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Papers :
Analysis of finite element approximations of the Stokes equations with non-smooth data.
R. G. Durán, L. Gastaldi, A. L. Lombardi.
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Stability of the Stokes projection on weighted spaces and applications.
R. G. Durán, E. Otárola, A. J. Salgado.
To appear in Math. Comp..
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Mixed methods for degenerate elliptic problems
and application to fractional Laplacian.
M. E. Cejas, R. G. Durán, M. I. Prieto.
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A weighted
setting for the numerical approximation of the Poisson problem with singular sources.
I. Drelichman, R. G. Durán, I. Ojea.
To appear in SIAM J. Numer. Anal..
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On the interpolation space $(L^p(\Omega), W^{1,p}(\Omega))_{s,p}$ in non-smooth domains.
I. Drelichman, R. G. Durán
J. Math.Anal.Appl. 470(1), 91-101, 2019.
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Improved Poincaré inequalities in fractional Sobolev spaces.
I. Drelichman, R. G. Durán
Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 43, 885-903, 2018.
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Weighted a priori estimates for elliptic equations.
M. E. Cejas, R. G. Durán
Studia Math. 243(1), 13-24, 2018.
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Improved Poincaré inequalities
and solutions of the divergence in weighted norms.
G. Acosta, M. E. Cejas, R. G. Durán
Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 42(1), 211–226, 2017.
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A posteriori error analysis for nonconforming approximation of multiple eigenvalues.
D. Boffi, R. G. Durán, F. Gardini and L. Gastaldi
Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 40(2), 350–369, 2017.
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An elementary proof of the continuity from $L_0^2(\Omega)$ to $H^1_0(\Omega)^n$ of Bogovskii's right
inverse of the divergence.
R. G. Durán
Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina 53(2), 59-78, 2012.
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Powers of distances to lower dimensional sets
as Muckenhoupt weights.
H. Aimar, M. Carena, R. G. Durán and M. Toschi
Acta Mathematica Hungarica 143(1), 119–137, 2014.
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Korn inequality and divergence operator: counterexamples
and optimality of weighted estimates.
G. Acosta, R. G. Durán and F. López García
Proc. AMS. 141, 217-232, 2013.
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Supercloseness on graded meshes for $\mathcal{Q}_1$ finite element approximation
of a reaction-diffusion equation.
R. G. Durán, A. L. Lombardi and M. I. Prieto
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 242, 232-247, 2013.
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A posteriori error estimates for non conforming
approximation of eigenvalue problems.
E. Dari, R. G. Durán and C. Padra
Applied Numerical Mathematics 62, 580-591, 2012.
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A finite element method for stiffened plates.
R. G. Durán, R. Rodríguez and F. Sanhueza
ESAIM: Math. Model. and Numer. Anal. 46, 291-315, 2012.
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Improved Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg and trace inequalities for radial functions.
Pablo L. De Nápoli, Irene Drelichman, and R. G. Durán
Commun. on Pure Appl. Anal. 11, 1629-1642, 2012.
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Superconvergence for finite element approximation of a convection-diffusion
equation using graded meshes.
R. G. Durán, A. L. Lombardi and M. I. Prieto
IMA J. Numer. Anal.32, 511-533, 2012.
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On the existence of bounded solutions for a nonlinear elliptic system.
R. G. Durán, M. Sanmartino and M. Toschi
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 191, 771-782, 2012.
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Multipliers of Laplace Transform Type for Laguerre and Hermite Expansions.
Pablo L. De Nápoli, Irene Drelichman, and R. G. Durán
Studia Math. 203, 265-290, 2011.
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Weighted a priori estimates for the solution of the homogeneous Dirichlet problem
for powers of the Laplacian Operator.
R. G. Durán, M. Sanmartino and M. Toschi
Analysis in Theory and Applications, 26(4), 339-349, 2010.
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On weighted inequalities for fractional integrals of radial functions.
P. L. De Nápoli, I. Drelichman and R. G. Durán
Illinois J. Math., 55(2), 575-587, 2012.
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Numerical analysis of a finite element method to compute the
vibration modes of a Reissner-Mindlin laminated plate.
R. G. Durán, R. Rodríguez and F. Sanhueza
Math. Comp. 80, 1239-1264, 2011.
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Divergence operator and Poincaré inequalities on arbitrary bounded domains.
R. G. Durán, M. A. Muschietti, E. Russ and P. Tchamitchian
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations: An International Journal 55(8), 795-816, 2010.
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Solutions of the divergence and Korn inequalities on domains with an
external cusp.
R. G. Durán and F. López García
Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 35, 421-438, 2010.
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Radial solutions for Hamiltonian Elliptic Systems with weights.
P. L. De Nápoli, I. Drelichman and R. G. Durán
Advanced Nonlinear Studies 9, 579-593, 2009.
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Error estimates for Raviart-Thomas interpolation of any order
on anisotropic tetrahedra.
G. Acosta, Th. Apel, R. G. Durán and A. L. Lombardi
Math. Comp. 80(273), 141–163, 2011.
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Solutions of the divergence and analysis of the Stokes equations in
planar H\"older-$\alpha$ domains
R. G. Durán and F. López García
Math. Mod.
Meth. Appl. Sci. 20, 95-120, 2010.
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Anisotropic error estimates for an interpolant defined via moments.
G. Acosta, Th. Apel, R. G. Durán and A. L. Lombardi
Computing 82, 1-9, 2008.
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Weighted a priori estimates for Poisson equation.
R. G. Durán, M. Sanmartino and M. Toschi
Indiana University Math. Journal.
57, 3463-3478, 2008.
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Improved Poincaré inequalities with weights.
I. Drelichman and R. G. Durán
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 347, 286-293, 2008.
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Error estimates for anisotropic finite elements and applications.
R. G. Durán
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid 2006,
Volume III, 1181-1200.
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Error estimates for the Raviart-Thomas interpolation under the
maximum angle condition.
R. G. Durán and A. Lombardi
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 46, 1442-1453, 2008.
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Finite element approximations in a non-Lipschitz domain.
G. Acosta, M. G. Armentano, R. G. Durán and A. Lombardi
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 45, 277-295, 2007.
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Finite element approximation of convection-diffusion
problems using graded meshes.
R. G. Durán and A. Lombardi
Applied Numerical Mathematics 56, 1314-1325, 2006.
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Nonhomogeneous Neumann problem for the Poisson
equation in domains with an external cusp.
G. Acosta, M. G. Armentano, R. G. Durán and A. Lombardi
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 310(2), 397-411,
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- Solutions
of the divergence operator on John domains.
G. Acosta, R. G. Durán and M. A. Muschietti
Advances in Mathematics 206(2), 373-401, 2006.
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- Weighted
Poincaré and Korn inequalities for Hölder α domains.
G. Acosta, R. G. Durán and A. L. Lombardi
Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. (MMAS) 29 (4), 387-400, 2006.
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- Error estimates
on anisotropic Q1 elements for functions in weighted Sobolev spaces.
R. G. Durán and A. L. Lombardi
Math. Comp. 74, 1679-1706, 2005.
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- The Korn inequality
for Jones domains.
R. G. Durán and M. A. Muschietti
Electron. J. Diff. Eqns. 2004(127), 1-10, 2004.
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- Asymptotic
lower bounds for eigenvalues by nonconforming finite element methods.
M. G. Armentano and R. G. Durán Electronic
Trans. Numer. Anal. 17, 93-101, 2004.
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- A posteriori
error estimates for the finite element approximation of eigenvalue
R. G. Durán, C. Padra and R. Rodríguez
Math. Mod. Meth. Appl. Sci. 13(8), 1219-1229,
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- Error estimates for low-order
isoparametric quadrilateral finite elements for plates.
R. G. Durán, E. Hernández, L. Hervella Nieto,
E. Liberman and R. Rodríguez
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 41(5),
1751-1772, 2003.
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- An optimal Poincaré inequality
in L1 for convex domains.
G. Acosta and R. G. Durán
AMS 132(1), 195-202, 2003.
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- Mass lumping
or not mass lumping for eigenvalue problems
M. G. Armentano and R. G. Durán
Numer. Meth. PDE's 19(5),
653-664, 2003.
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- An
adaptive time step procedure for a parabolic problem with blow up
G. Acosta, R. G. Durán and J. D. Rossi
Computing 68(4),
343-373, 2002.
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- An explicit
right inverse of the divergence operator which is continuous
in weighted norms
R. G. Durán and M. A. Muschietti Studia Mathematica 148(3), 207-219,
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- On the traces
of W2,p for a Lipschitz domain
R. G. Durán and M. A. Muschietti Revista
Matemática Complutense XIV(2), 371-377, 2001.
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- Error estimates
for moving least square approximations
M. G. Armentano and R. G. Durán
Applied Numerical Mathematics,
397-416, 2001.
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- An adaptive finite element approach
for frictionless contact problems
G. C. Buscaglia, R. G. Durán, E. A. Fancello, R. A. Feijóo and
C. Padra
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. 50,
395-418, 2001.
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- Error estimates for
$Q_1$ isoparametric elements satisfying a weak angle condition
G. Acosta and R. G. Durán SIAM
J. Numer. Anal. 38, 1073-1088, 2000.
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- Finite
element analysis of a quadratic eigenvalue problem arising in dissipative
A. Bermúdez, R. G. Durán, R. Rodríguez and J. Solomín SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 38, 267-291, 2000.
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- Finite element analysis
of the vibration problem of a plate coupled with a fluid
R. G. Durán, L. Hervella Nieto, E. Liberman, R. Rodríguez and J. Solomin
Math. 86, 591-616, 2000.
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- Maximum
norm error estimators for three dimensional elliptic problems
E. Dari , R. G. Durán and C. Padra SIAM
J. Numer. Anal. 37(2), 683-700, 2000.
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- The maximum
angle condition for mixed and non conforming elements: Application
to the Stokes equations
G. Acosta and R. G. Durán SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 37,
18-36, 1999.
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- A posteriori
error estimators for mixed approximations of eigenvalue problems
R. G. Durán , L. Gastaldi and C. Padra
Math. Mod.
Meth. Appl. Sci. 9, 1165-1178,
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- Approximation of the vibration
modes of a plate by Reissner-Mindlin equations
R.G. Durán , L. Hervella Nieto, E. Liberman, R. Rodríguez and J. Solomin
Math. Comp. 68,
1447-1463, 1999.
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- A remark
on spurious eigenvalues in a square
D. Boffi, R. G. Durán and L. Gastaldi Applied Mathematics
Letters 12, 107-114, 1999.
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- Error estimates for narrow
3-d finite elements
R. G. Durán
Math. Comp. 68, 187-199, 1999.
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- Finite
element analysis of compressible and incompressible fluid-solid systems
A. Bermúdez, R. G. Durán and R. Rodríguez Math.
Comp. 67, 111-136, 1998.
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- Numerical
approximation of a parabolic problem with a nonlinear boundary
R. G. Durán, J. Etcheverry and J. D. Rossi Discrete and
Continuous Dynamical Systems 4(3),
497-506, 1998.
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- Finite
element solution of incompressible fluid-structure vibration
A. Bermúdez, R. G. Durán and R. Rodríguez
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. 40(8), 1435-1448,
- On the convergence
of a triangular mixed finite element method for Reissner-Mindlin plates
R. G. Durán and E. Liberman
Mod. Meth. Appl. Sci. 6(3), 339-352, 1996.
- A
posteriori error estimators for nonconforming finite element methods
E. Dari, R. G. Durán, C. Padra and V. Vampa
Model. Numer. Anal. (RAIRO) 30(4), 385-400, 1996.
- Finite element vibration analysis
of fluid-solid systems without spurious modes
A. Bermúdez, R. G. Durán, M.A. Muschietti, R. Rodríguez and J. Solomin
J. Numer. Anal. 32(4),1280-1295,
[ available
from Jstor ]
- Error estimators
for nonconforming finite element approximations of the Stokes problem
E. Dari, R. G. Durán and C. Padra
Comp. 64(211), 1017-1033, 1995.
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from Jstor ]
- Analysis
of the efficiency of an a-posteriori error estimator for linear
triangular finite elements
I. Babuska, R. G. Durán and R. Rodríguez
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 29,
947-964, 1992.
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from Jstor ]
- On the asymptotic
exactness of Bank-Weiser's estimator
R. G. Durán and R. Rodríguez Numer. Math. 62,
297-303, 1992.
- On Mixed Finite
Element Methods for the Reissner Mindlin Plate Model
R. G. Durán and E. Liberman
Comp. 58(198), 561-573, 1992.
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from Jstor ]
- Asymptotically
Exact Error Estimators for Rectangular Finite Elements
R. G. Durán, M. A. Muschietti and R. Rodríguez SIAM
J. Numer. Anal. 29(1), 78-88, 1992.
[ available
from Jstor ]
- Asymptotically
Exact Error Estimators for Rectangular Finite Elements
R. G. Durán, M. A. Muschietti and R. Rodríguez
J. Numer. Anal. 29(1), 78-88, 1992.
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from Jstor ]
- The Inf-Sup Condition an Error
Estimates for the Arnold-Falk Plate Bending Element
R. G. Durán
Numer. Math. 58(8),
769-778, 1991.
- A Finite
Element Method for the Mindlin-Reissner Plate Model
R. G. Durán, A. Ghioldi and N. Wolanski
J. Numer. Anal. 28(4),1004-1014, 1991.
[ available
from Jstor ]
- On
the Asymptotic Exactness of a Posteriori Error Estimators for Linear
Triangular Finite Elements
R. G. Durán, M. A. Muschietti and R. Rodríguez
Numer. Math. 59, 107-127, 1991.
- Superconvergence for Rectangular
Mixed Finite Elements
R. G. Durán
Numer.Math. 58, 287-298, 1990.
- Finite Elements in H (curl)
with Applications to Elasticity
R. G. Durán
Numer. Meth. PDE's 6(2), 167-175,
- Weighted Inf-Sup
Condition and Pointwise Error Estimates for the Stokes Problem
R. G. Durán and R. H. Nochetto
Comp. 54(189), 63-79, 1990.
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from Jstor ]
- Pointwise Accuracy
of a Stable Petrov-Galerkin Method for the Stokes Problem
R. G. Durán and R. H. Nochetto
J. Numer. Anal. 26(6), 1395-1406, 1989.
[ available
from Jstor ]
- On the Lp Boundedness
of Pseudodifferential Operators with Discontinuous Symbols
J. Alvárez and R. G. Durán
AMS 104(1), 165-168, 1988.
[ available
from Jstor ]
- Error Analysis in Lp for
Mixed Finite Element Methods for Linear and Quasilinear Elliptic
R. G. Durán
RAIRO, Model. Math. Numer. Anal. 22(3), 371-387,
- Sharp Maximum
Norm Error Estimates for Finite Element Approximations
of the Stokes Problem in 2-D
R. G. Durán, R. Nochetto and J. Wang
Math. Comp. 51(184),
491-506, 1988.
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Jstor ]
- A Note on the Convergence
of Linear Finite Elements
R. G. Durán
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 25(5), 1032-1036,
[ available from
Jstor ]
- On the Approximation of Miscible
Displacement in Porous Media by the Method of Characteristics Combined
with a Mixed Method
R. G. Durán
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 25(5), 989-1001,
[ available from
Jstor ]
- Mixed Finite Elements for
Second Order Elliptic Problems in Three Variables
F. Brezzi, J. Douglas, R. G. Durán and M. Fortin
Numer. Math. 51, 137-150,
- Quasi-optimal Estimates for
Finite Element Approximations Using Orlicz Norms
R. G. Durán
Math. Comp. 49 (179),
17-23, 1987.
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Jstor ]
- Parabolic Maximal Functions
and Potentials of Distributions in Hp
R. G. Durán
J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 100(1), 130-154, 1984.
- On Polynomial Approximation
in Sobolev Spaces
R. G. Durán
SIAM J. Numer.Anal. 20(5),
98-988, 1983
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Jstor ]