de matemática para chicos/ Math books
for children
Math book for 10-14 year old children, 2020: Matemax: English+ Spanish Edition, published by the American Mathematical Society.
Matemax, La
matemática en todas partes. Para
niños de 11 y 12 años. Segunda
edición. Ed. Novedades Educativas, Buenos
Aires, 2000. Foto
de la tapa
Pensar con matemática 4, 5 y 6.
Coordinación y coautoría. Ed.
Estrada, Buenos Aires, 2000. Foto
de las tapas.
Matemática y Ciencias Sociales. Para
niños de 9 a 12 años. CD 22 de la Colección de
Problemas online
Beyond Boolean networks, a multi-valued approach
Juliana García Galofre, Mercedes Pérez Millán, Ayelén Galarza Rial
and Reinhard Laubenbacher, 2024.
e-prints server.
Sparse systems with high local multiplicity
Frédéric Bihan and
Jens Forsgård), Journal of the London Mathematical Society, vol 111, part 3, Paper No. e70106, 2025.
e-prints server.
Together with Giorgio Ottaviani we wrote a Review of the book
Invitation to nonlinear algebra by Bernd Sturmfels and Mateusz Michalek, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 2024. pdf
Multistationarity questions in reduced vs extended biochemical networks
(with M. Giaroli, M. Pérez Millán and R. Rischter), Journal of Mathematical Biology 89,18, 2024.
Interpolation of toric varieties
Ragni Piene).
New York J. Math. 30 (2024) 1498-1516. File.
Trust yourself!, Chapter of the book Aspiring and Inspiring: Tenure and Leadership in Academic Mathematics , Eds. Rebecca Garcia, Pamela E. Harris, Dandrielle Lewis, Shanise Walker, p. 11-18, American Mathematical Society, 2023.
Iterated and mixed discriminants
Sandra di Rocco and
Ralph Morrison).
e-prints server, Journal of Combinatorial Algebra 7 (2023), 45-81.
Curve valuations and mixed volumes in the implicitization of rational varieties
(with M. Isabel Herrero and
Bernard Mourrain).
e-prints server, J. Algebra 612 (2022), 691-721 journal version.
Non-splitting flags, Iterated Circuits, sigma-matrices and Cayley configurations
Eduardo Cattani).
e-prints server, Vietnam J. Math 50, no. 3 (2022), 679-706, Special Issue dedicated to
Bernd Sturmfels on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Link to read the article
Algebraic Geometry Tools in Systems Biology, Notices of the AMS, December 2020.
The simplest minimal free resolutions in P1xP1
Nicolás Botbol and
Hal Schenck).
e-prints server,
Commutative Algebra II - Expository papers dedicated to David Eisenbud on the occasion of his 75th birthday, Springer, 2021, 113-146.
Optimal Descartes' Rule of Signs for Circuits
Frédéric Bihan and
Jens Forsgård).
e-prints server, Mathematische Annalen 381 (2021), 1283-1307. File.
Sign conditions for the existence of at least one positive solution of a sparse polynomial system
Frédéric Bihan and Magalí Giaroli).
e-prints server, Advances in Mathematics 375 (2020) Article.
Parameter regions that give rise to 2[n/2]+1 positive steady states in
the n-site phosphorylation system
(with Magalí Giaroli, Rick Rischter and
Mercedes Pérez Millán
e-prints server.
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2019, 16(6): 7589-7615.
Multistationarity in Structured Reaction Networks
Mercedes Pérez Millán, Anne Shiu and Xiaoxian Tang).
e-prints server.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (2019) 81(5), 1527-1581. Article.
Regions of multistationarity in cascades of Goldbeter-Koshland loops
Magalí Giaroli and
Frédéric Bihan).
e-prints server.
J. Math. Biol. (2019) Vol. 78(4), 1115-1145.
Lower bounds for positive roots and regions of multistationarity in chemical reaction networks
Frédéric Bihan and Magalí Giaroli).
e-prints server.
J. Algebra (2020), Vol. 542, 367-411.
Algebraic geometry in the interface of pure and applied mathematics.
Version without figures of the article published in the Rio Intelligencer, ICM 2018, Springer, August 2018..
The structure of MESSI biological systems
Mercedes Pérez Millán).
e-prints server, SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. (2018) Vol. 17, No. 2, 1650-1682.
Higher order selfdual toric varieties
Ragni Piene).
e-prints server, Annali Mat. Pur. Appl. (2017),Vol. 195, n.5, 1759-1777..
Descartes' Rule of Signs for Polynomial Systems supported on Circuits
Frédéric Bihan).
e-prints server, International Mathematics Research Notices Volume 2017, Issue 22, 6867-6893;
doi: 10.1093/imrn/rnw199.
Arithmetics and combinatorics of tropical Severi varieties of univariate polynomials
M. Isabel Herrero and
Luis F. Tabera).
e-prints server,
Israel J. Math. 221 (2017), no. 2, 741-777.
Implicitization of rational hypersurfaces via linear syzygies: a
practical overview (with
Nicolás Botbol).
e-prints server.
Journal of Symbolic Computation (2016), vol. 74, 493-512.
Biochemical reaction networks: an invitation for algebraic geometers.
MCA 2013, Contemporary Mathematics 656 (2016), 65-83. file.pdf
IMAGINARY PANEL: Math communication for the future - A Vision Slam (with Carla Cederbaum, Gert-Martin Greuel, David Grünberg, Hyungju Park and Cédric Villani), Proceedings of the ICM Seoul, Vol. I (2014),775-791. file.pdf
Implicit dose-response curves (with
Pérez Millán).
e-prints server.
Journal of Mathematical Biology (2015)70: 1669-1684.
Sign conditions for injectivity of generalized polynomial maps with applications to chemical reaction networks and real algebraic geometry
Stefan Mueller, Elisenda Feliu, Georg Regensburger , Carsten Conradi,
and Anne Shiu). e-prints server, FoCM Journal, February 2016, Volume 16, Issue 1, 69-97.
Planar mixed discriminants and toric Jacobians
Ioannis Emiris
and Anna Karasoulou). e-prints server.
Advances in Shapes, Algebra, Geometry and Algorithms - Results from Marie Curie Initial Training Network SAGA, Eds. Tor Dokken and Georg Muntigh, Springer, 2014, 105-121. ISBN 978-3-319-08635-4.
Combinatorics of 4-dimensional Resultant Polytopes
Ioannis Emiris and
Vissarion Fisikopoulos). file.pdf
Proc. ISSAC 2013, Ed. M. Kauers, ACM Press, 2013, 173-180, ISBN
Complex-linear invariants of biochemical networks
Robert Karp, Mercedes
Pérez Millán,
Tathagata Dasgupta and
Jeremy Gunawardena).
e-prints server. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 311 (2012), 130-138.
Mixed discriminants
M. Angélica Cueto ,
Sandra di Rocco and
Bernd Sturmfels).
e-prints server, Math. Z., Vol. 274, Issue 3 (2013), 761-778.
Higher order duality and toric embeddings
Sandra di Rocco and
Ragni Piene).
e-prints server, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, vol.64, no.1 (2014), 375-400.
A relation between number of integral points, volumes of faces and degree of the discriminant of smooth lattice polytopes
Benjamin Nill and
Michèle Vergne).
e-prints server. Comptes Rendus Mathématique, 350 (2012), no. 5-6, 229-233.
Chemical reaction systems with toric
steady states (with Mercedes
Pérez Millán,
Anne Shiu and
Carsten Conradi).
e-prints server. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (2012) 74(5), 1027-1065.
Singular tropical hypersurfaces (with
Luis F.
e-prints server. Discrete & Computational Geometry (2012) 47(2), 430-453.
Nilsson solutions for irregular
A-hypergeometric systems (with
Laura F. Matusevich and Federico N.
e-prints server. Revista Matemática Iberoamericana (2012), 28(3), 723-758.
Independent sets from an algebraic
perspective (with Enrique
A. Tobis).
e-prints server,
International Journal of Algebra
and Computation, Vol. 22, No. 2 (2012) 1250014 (15 pages).
A Simple Combinatorial Criterion for
Projective Toric
Manifolds with Dual Defect (with Benjamin
e-prints server
Math. Res. Letters 17, N. 3 (2010), 435-448.
How far is complex balancing from detailed
balancing? (with Mercedes
Pérez Millán).
e-prints server.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (2011), 73(4), 811-828.
The structure of bivariate rational
hypergeometric functions (with
Cattani and
Fernando Rodríguez Villegas).
International Mathematics Research
Notices (2011) Vol. 2011, 2496-2533; doi:
10.1093/imrn/rnq168 .
e-prints server
A hidden praise of mathematics. Bull. Amer.
Math. Soc. 46 (2009), 125-129
Online version. Also published in:
The Best Writing on Mathematics 2010 ,
Princeton University Press, 2011.
Classifying smooth lattice polytopes via
toric fibrations (with
Sandra di Rocco and
Ragni Piene).
e-prints server
Advances in Mathematics 222 (2009), 240-254.
Additive Edge Labelings (with Enrique
A. Tobis).
e-prints server.
Discrete Applied Math. 158 (2010) 444-452.
Matrix representations for toric
parametrizations (with
Nicolás Botbol and Marc
e-prints server
Computer Aided Geometric Design 16 (2009),
757-771. Appendix
with the Macaulay 2 code
of our method.
A world of binomials,
Foundations of Computational Mathematics:
Hong Kong 2008, F. Cucker, A. Pinkus, M.
Todd (Eds.), London Mathematical Society
Lecture Note Series 363, 2009, 42-66.
Cambridge University Press
Self-dual toric varieties (with Mathias
Bourel and Alvaro Rittatore).
e-prints server
Journal of the London Mathematical
Society 84 (2011), n. 2, 514-540.
Combinatorics of binomial primary
decomposition (with
L. F. Matusevich and E.
Miller). Math. Z., Volume
264, Number 4/April 2010, 745-763 e-prints server
Toric dynamical systems (with
G. Craciun ,
A. Shiu , and
B. Sturmfels ).
e-prints server. Journal
of Symbolic Computation 44 (2009),
Una introducción al uso del
álgebra computacional para el
estudio de redes biológicas (with Mercedes
Pérez Millán).
BIOMAT II, Actas Acad. Ciencias de
Córdoba, vol. XIV, 161-170, 2008,
pdf del Volumen
Binomial D-modules (with
L. F. Matusevich and E.
Miller ).
e-prints server. Duke Math.
J., Volume 151, Number 3 (2010),
Tropical Discriminants (with
E. M. Feichtner and B.
e-prints server
J. Amer. Math. Soc. 20 (2007), 1111-1133.
Extremal real algebraic geometry and
A-discriminants (with
J. Maurice Rojas, Kurben Rusek, and
Justin Shih) file.pdf,
Moscow Mathematical Journal, Volume 7
(2007), Number 3, Special Issue on the
occasion of Askold Khovanskii's 60th
Some results on inhomogeneous
discriminants (with
M. Angélica Cueto). e-prints server,
Some results on inhomogeneous discriminants,
con M. A. Cueto, en: Actas del XVI Coloquio
Latinoamericano de Algebra (Colonia del
Sacramento, Uruguay, agosto 2005), Walter
Ferrer Santos, Gerardo González
Sprinberg, Alvaro Rittatore, Andrea Solotar
(editores), Biblioteca de la Revista
Matemática Iberoamericana, 2007.
ISBN: 978-84-611-7907-7.
Bases in the solution space of the Mellin
system (with T.
e-prints server
Mat. Sb., 2007, 198:9, 59-80.
Algebraicity of solutions to the Mellin
and its monodromy (with T. Sadykov)
Short version
in Russian, Doklady Akademii Nauk,
2007, Vol. 142 No. 4, 448-450. English
translation: Doklady Math., 2007, Vol 75 No.
1, 80-82.
Counting Solutions to Binomial Complete
Intersections (with
E. Cattani).
e-prints server J. of
Complexity, Vol. 23, Issue 1, Feb. 2007,
Complete Intersections in Toric Ideals (with E.
Cattani and R. Curran).
file.pdf Proc. Amer.
Math. Soc. 135 (2007), 329-335.
- A case study in bigraded
commutative algebra
(with D.
Cox and
H. Schenck).
"Syzygies and Hilbert
Functions", edited by
I. Peeva, Lecture Notes in Pure and
Applied Mathematics series, Vol. 254, CRC
Press, 2007.
- Codimension Theorems for
Complete Toric Varieties
(with D.
Cox). Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
133 (2005), 3153-3162.
e-prints server.
- Bivariate hypergeometric
L. Matusevich and T. Sadykov).
Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 196, Issue 1,
2005, 78-123. e-prints
Introduction to residues and resultants
(with E.
Cattani). Chapter of the book:
A.Dickenstein, I.Z.Emiris (Eds.): Solving
Polynomial Equations:
Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications.
Algorithms and Computation in
Mathematics 14, Springer-Verlag, ISBN
3-540-24326-7, 2005.
- Planar Configurations of
Lattice Vectors and GKZ-rational Toric
Fourfolds in P^6
(with E.
Cattani). Journal of Algebraic
19 (1): 47-65, 2004.
- Multihomogeneous Resultant
Formulae by means of Com
I. Emiris). Journal of Symbolic
Computation (2003) 36/3-4 ,
- Multihomogeneous Resultant
(with I.
Emiris). Proc. ISSAC
2002, ACM Press, 2002.
- Elimination Theory in
Codimension Two
(with B.
Sturmfels). Journal of Symbolic
Computation (2002) 34 , 119--135.
- Binomial Residues
(with E. Cattani and B. Sturmfels).
Annales Institut Fourier (Grenoble) (2002)
42 , no. 3, 687--708.
- Explicit formulas for the
Multivariate Resultant (with
D'Andrea). Proc. MEGA 2000, Journal
of Pure and Applied Algebra Vol
164/1-2: 59-86, 2001. file.dvi
- Rational Hypergeometric
(with E. Cattani and B. Sturmfels).
Compositio Mathematica 128: 217-240, 2001. e-prints server.
- Hypergeometric Functions
with Integer Homogeneities .
Géometrie Complexe II, Eds.
F.Norguet- S. Ofman, ''Actualites
scientifiques et industrielles'', Ed.
Hermann, 2004. ISBN 2-7056-6497-1 file.pdf
- All
my articles in
- Some old papers.
Mathematics of reaction networks
Charlas / Lectures
Hypatia Graduate Summer School 2024,
Barcelona, June 3-6, 2024.
Lecturers: Alicia Dickenstein, Elisenda Feliu, Ezra Miller
MPI-MSRI Graduate School "Algebraic
Methods for Biochemical Reaction Networks" in Leipzig, Germany, June
12-23, 2023.
webpage , MPI-Leipzig
A gentle introduction to the sign vectors of a linear subspace: pdf file.
Métodos algebraicos para el estudio de redes de reacciones
Conferencias Emalca 2012, Puerto Madryn.
archivo pdf
Implicitization techniques: a fruitful
interaction between practitioners and
Fall School SAGA 2010,
Kolympari, Greece.
Hypergeometric series with
algebro-geometric dressing
San Francisco, USA.
pdf file
In Spanish:
- Discriminantes,
resultantes y funciones
hipergeométricas, Notas de la
Conferencia A. Gonzalez Domínguez,
ofrecida durante la Reunión Anual
2001 de la Unión Matemática
Argentina, San Luis, 21/9/01. file.pdf
- Sistemas de
ecuaciones polinomiales, Notas del
Mini-curso ofrecido durante la
Reunión Anual 1995 de la Unión
Matemática Argentina, Trabajos de
Matemática 21/97, Serie "C", FaMAF,
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba,
1997. file.pdf
- Probable mente, Archivo con las
diapositivas de la charla ofrecida en la
Semana de la Matemática 2005.
Editorial work
I was a corresponding editor of the SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry.
I was the Editor-in-Chief (2018-2024) of the
Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina