Publications of Pablo A. Ferrari

129. De Masi, Anna; Ferrari, Pablo A.; Gabrielli, Davide
Hidden temperature in the KMP model.
Preprint, arXiv:2310.01672 2023.

128. Ferrari, Pablo A.; Olla, Stefano
Macroscopic diffusive fluctuations for generalized hard rods dynamics.
Preprint, arXiv:2305.13037 2023.

127. Pablo A. Ferrari, Daniel Fraiman, José Mario Martínez, Hugo G Menzella, Silvina Ponce-Dawson
Nested pool testing strategy for the diagnosis of infectious diseases
Scientific Reports volume 11, Article number: 18108 2021.

126. Inés Armendáriz, Pablo A. Ferrari, Daniel Fraiman, José Mario Martínez and Silvina Ponce-Dawson
Group testing with nested pools
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2021, arXiv:2005.13650.

125. Pablo A. Ferrari and Leonardo T. Rolla
Slow-to-Start Traffic Model: Condensation, Saturation and Scaling Limits
Journal of Statistical Physics (2020) 180:935–953 , arXiv:2001.05796.

124. Inés Armendáriz, Pablo A. Ferrari, Sergio Yuhjtman
Gaussian random permutation and the boson point process
Commun. Math. Phys. 387, No. 3, 1515-1547 (2021); arXiv:1906.11120.

123. Pablo A. Ferrari, Davide Gabrielli
Box-ball system: soliton and tree decomposition of excursions
Electron. J. Probab. 25 (2020), article no. 78, 1–26. , arXiv:1906.06405.

122. Inés Armendáriz, Pablo A. Ferrari, Nicolás Frevenza
Gibbs measures over permutations of point processes with low density

121. Pablo A. Ferrari, Davide Gabrielli
BBS invariant measures with independent soliton components
XIII Symposium on Probability and Stochastic Processes UNAM, Mexico, December 4-8, 2017
Editors: Lopez, S.I., Rivero, V.M., Rocha-Arteaga, A., Siri-Jégousse, A. (Eds.)

120. Pablo A.Ferrari, Chi Nguyen, Leonardo Rolla, Minmin Wang
Soliton decomposition of the Box-Ball System
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma , Volume 9 , 2021 , e60, arXiv:1806.02798.

119. P. A. Ferrari, A. Galves, I. Grigorescu, E. Löcherbach
Phase transition for infinite systems of spiking neurons
Journal of Statistical Physics 172, 6:1564–1575">, arXiv:1802.07829.

118. Anna De Masi, Pablo A. Ferrari, Errico Presutti, Nahuel Soprano-Loto
Non local branching Brownians with annihilation and free boundary problems
Electronic Journal of Probability 2019, Vol. 24, paper no. 63, 1-30 arXiv/1711.06390.

117. Anna De Masi, Pablo A. Ferrari, Errico Presutti, Nahuel Soprano-Loto
Hydrodynamics of the N-BBM process
Stochastic Dynamics out of Equilibrium, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 282, 2019, 523–549 arXiv/1707.00799.

116. Pablo A. Ferrari
TASEP hydrodynamics using microscopic characteristics
Probability Surveys 2018, Vol. 15, No. 0, 1-27, arXiv/1601.05346.

115. Nicolas Alvarez, Veronica Becher, Pablo A. Ferrari, Sergio A. Yuhjtman
Perfect Necklaces
Advances in Applied Mathematics 80 (2016), 48--61. MR3537238. arXiv/1601.07975.

114. Anna de Masi, Pablo A. Ferrari
Separation versus diffusion in a two species system
Braz. J. Probab. Stat. 29 (2015), no. 2, 387-412. arXiv/1412.4241.

113. Pablo A. Ferrari, Leonardo T. Rolla
Yaglom limit via Holley inequality
Braz. J. Probab. Stat. 29 (2015), no. 2, 413-426. arXiv/1410.1976.

112. Ines Armendariz, Pablo A. Ferrari, Pablo Groisman, Florencia Leonardi
Finite cycle Gibbs measures on permutations of $Z^d$
J. Stat. Phys. 158 (2015), 6, 1213-1233 arXiv/1407.6542.

111. Ines Armendariz, Pablo Augusto Ferrari, Nahuel Soprano Loto
Phase transition for the clock model via random-cluster percolation
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (10), 3879-3892 arXiv/1404.4071.

110. Anna De Masi, Pablo A. Ferrari, Errico Presutti
Symmetric simple exclusion process with free boundaries.
Probab. Theory Related Fields 161 (2015), no. 1-2, 155-193. arXiv/1304.0701.

109. Amine Asselah, Pablo A. Ferrari, Pablo Groisman, Matthieu Jonckheere
Fleming-Viot selects the minimal quasi-stationary distribution: The Galton-Watson case.
Annals de l'Institut Henri Poincare (2016), Probabilites et Statistiques, 52:2 647-668. arXiv/1206.6114.

108. Pablo A. Ferrari, James Martin
How to squeeze the toothpaste back into the tube.

107. Pablo A. Ferrari, Rafael M. Grisi, Pablo Groisman
Harmonic deformation of Delaunay triangulations.
Stoch. Process. Appl. vol 6 2185-2210, 2012, arXiv/1012.1677.

106. Pablo A. Ferrari, Eugene A. Pechersky, Valentin V. Sisko and Anatoly A. Yambartsev
Gibbs random graphs on point processes.
J Math Phys 51, 113303 (2010), arXiv:1002.1006

105. Amine Asselah, Pablo A. Ferrari, Pablo Groisman
Quasi-stationary distributions and Fleming-Viot processes for finite state Markov processes
J. Appl. Probab. Volume 48, Number 2 (2011), 322-332, arXiv:0904.3039

104. Martin R.; Evans, Pablo A. Ferrari, Kirone Mallick
Matrix representation of the stationary measure for the multispecies TASEP
J. Stat Phys, Vol 135 2:201-216, 2009, arXiv:0807.0327

103. Pablo A. Ferrari, Patricia Goncalves and James B. Martin
Collision probabilities in the rarefaction fan of asymmetric exclusion processes
Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Probab. Statist. Volume 45, Number 4 (2009), 1048-1064 , math.PR/0804.1770

102. Cristian F. Coletti, Pablo A. Ferrari, Leandro P. R. Pimentel
The variance of the shock in the HAD process

101. Pablo A. Ferrari, James B. Martin
Multiclass Hammersley-Aldous-Diaconis process and multiclass-customer queues
Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Probab. Statist. Volume 45, Number 1 (2009), math.PR/0707.4202

100. Pablo A. Ferrari, Sebastian P. Grynberg
No phase transition for Gaussian fields with bounded spins
J. Stat. Phys. 130(1) 195-202, 2008 , math.PR/0706.3714

99. Fredy Castellares Caceres, Pablo A. Ferrari, Eugene Pechersky
A slow-to-start traffic model related to a M/M/1 queue
J. Stat. Mech. (2007) P07008, cond-mat/0703709.

98. Pablo A. Ferrari, James B. Martin, Leandro P. R. Pimentel
A phase transition for competition interfaces
Annals of Applied Probability 2009, Vol. 19, No. 1, 281-317, math.PR/0701418

97. Pablo A. Ferrari, Claudio Landim, Valentin V. Sisko
Condensation for a fixed number of independent random variables
J. Stat. Phys. 128(5), 1153-1158 (2007), math.PR/0612856

96. Pablo A. Ferrari, Valentin V. Sisko
Escape of mass in zero-range processes with random rates
IMS Lecture Notes Monograph Series; Asymptotics: Particles, Processes and Inverse Problems Vol. 55 (2007) 108:120 math.PR/0609469

95. Pablo A. Ferrari, Nevena Maric
Quasi stationary distributions and Fleming-Viot processes in countable spaces
Electronic Journal of Probability Vol. 12(2007) Paper 24 math.PR/0605665,

94. Jorge R. Busch, Pablo A. Ferrari, A. Georgina Flesia, Ricardo Fraiman, Florencia Leonardi, Sebastian Grynberg
Testing statistical hypothesis on random trees
Annals of Applied Statistics 2009, Vol. 3, No. 2, 542-563. math.ST/0603378

93. Pablo A. Ferrari, James B. Martin
Multiclass processes, dual points and M/M/1 queues
Markov Process. Related Fields (2006) vol 12, 175-201.

92. Pedro J. Fernandez, Pablo A. Ferrari, Sebastian Grynberg
Perfectly random sampling of truncated multinormal distributions
Advances in Applied Probability, Volume 39, Number 4 (2007), 973-990, math.PR/0505522

91. Pablo A. Ferrari, James B. Martin
Stationary distributions of multi-type totally asymmetric exclusion processes
Ann. Probab. Volume 35, Number 3 (2007), 807-832, math.PR/0501291

90. Pablo A. Ferrari, James B. Martin, Leandro P. R. Pimentel
Roughening and inclination of competition interfaces
Phys. Rev. E 73, 031602 (2006) math.PR/0412198

89. Roberto Fernandez, Pablo A. Ferrari, Gustavo R. Guerberoff
Spatial birth-and-death processes in random environment
Math. Phys. Electron. J. 11 (2005), Paper 3, 52 pp. (electronic) . math.PR/0410191

88. Pablo A. Ferrari, Beat M. Niederhauser, Eugene A. Pechersky
Harness processes and non-homogeneous crystals
J. Stat. Phys. 128, 5: 1159-1176, 2007, math.PR/0409301

87. Pablo A. Ferrari, Leandro P. R. Pimentel (2005)
Competition interfaces and second class particles
Ann. Probab. vol 33, 1235-1254, math.PR/0406333 .

86. David Balding, Pablo A. Ferrari, Ricardo Fraiman, Mariela Sued (2009)
Limit theorems for sequences of random trees
 Test vol 18 Number 2 Electronic, math.PR/0406280 

85. Amine Asselah, Pablo A. Ferrari
Hitting times for independent random walks
Ann. Probab. 2006, vol. 34, 1296-1338, math.PR/0403351

84. Pablo A. Ferrari, Beat M. Niederhauser
Harness processes and harmonic crystals
Stoch. Process. Appl. vol 6 939-956 (2006) math.PR/0312402

83. E. Andjel, P. A. Ferrari, A. Siqueira
Law of large numbers for the simple exclusion process
Stoch. Process. Appl. 1132, 2:217-233 (2004) math.PR/0305174

82. P. A. Ferrari, L. R. G. Fontes, Xian-Yuan Wu
Two-dimensional Poisson Trees converge to the Brownian web
Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Probab. Statist. 41 (2005), no. 5, 851--858 , math.PR/0304247.

81. M. Cassandro, P.A. Ferrari, I. Merola, E. Presutti
Geometry of contours and Peierls estimates in d=1 Ising models
J. Math. Phys. 46, 053305 (2005), math.PR/0211062.

80. P.A. Ferrari L.R.G. Fontes B. Niederhauser M. Vachkovskaia
The serial harness interacting with a wall
Stoch. Process. Appl. vol 114, 175-190 (2004). math.PR/0210218

79. P. A. Ferrari, C. Landim, H. Thorisson
Poisson trees, succession lines and coalescing random walks
Annals de L´Institut Henry Poincare Volume 40, 2004, 2:141-152. math.PR/0209395

78. R. Fernandez, P. A. Ferrari, A. Galves
Coupling, renewal and perfect simulation of chains of infinite order
Notes for the V Brazilian School of Probability, Ubatuba, August 2001.

77. Amine Asselah, Pablo A. Ferrari
Regularity of quasi-stationary measures for simple exclusion in dimension d >= 5
Ann. Probab. 30 4 1913--1932 (2002). math.PR/0109189

76. S. R. M. Barros, P. A. Ferrari, N. L. Garcia, S. Martinez
Asymptotic behavior of a stationary silo with absorbing walls
J. Stat. Phys. 106 3/4 521-546 (2002). math.PR/0104043

75. A. De Masi, P. A. Ferrari
Flux fluctuations in the one dimensional nearest neighbors symmetric simple exclusion process
J. Stat. Phys. 107 3/4 677-683 (2002) math.PR/0103233

74. Renato M. Assuncao, Pablo A. Ferrari
Detection of spatial pattern through independence of thinned processes (2001).
Test Volume 16, 333-345 (2007), math.PR/0103104

73. F. M. Dunlop, P. A. Ferrari, L. R. G. Fontes
A dynamic one-dimensional interface interacting with a wall
J. Stat. Phys. 107 3/4 705-727 (2002). math.PR/0103049

72. Pablo A. Ferrari
Mathematical models: stochastic models
in N. J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes (editors) 2001 International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Pergamon, Oxford.

71. Francis Comets, Roberto Fernandez, Pablo A. Ferrari
Processes with Long Memory: Regenerative Construction and Perfect Simulation
Ann. Appl. Probab. vol. 12 3:921-943 (2002) math.PR/0009204

70. P. A. Ferrari, A Galves,
Coupling and regeneration for stochastic processes
Notes for a minicourse presented in XIII Escuela Venezolana de Matematicas, 2000. Preprint

69. P. A. Ferrari, J. L. Lebowitz, E. Speer,
Blocking measures for asymmetric exclusion processes via coupling
Bernoulli Vol 7 6:935-950 (2001). math.PR/0002193

68. Vladimir Belitsky, Pablo A. Ferrari, Mikhail V. Menshikov, Serguei Yu. Popov,
A Mixture of the Exclusion Process and the Voter Model
Bernoulli, vol 7(1), 119-144, 2001. math.PR/0002051

67. Pablo. A. Ferrari, Christian Maes, Laura Ramos, Frank Redig.
On the Hydrodynamic Equilibrium of a Rod in a Lattice Fluid.
J Phys A vol 33 26:4725-4740 (2000). math.PR/0001073

66. Pablo A. Ferrari, Pierre Picco.
Poisson approximation for large-contours in low-temperature Ising models.
Physica A. 279 303-311 (2000). math.PR/9912136

65. P. A. Ferrari, A. Galves, C. Landim.
Rate of convergence to equilibrium of symmetric simple exclusion processes.
Markov Processes and Related Fields 6 (2000), 73-88. math.PR/9912008

64. Enrique D. Andjel, Pablo A. Ferrari, Herve Guiol, Claudio Landim.
Convergence to the maximal invariant measure for a zero-range process with random rates.
Stoch. Process. Appl. vol 90, 67-81 (2000). math.PR/9911205

63. Roberto Fernandez, Pablo A. Ferrari, Nancy Garcia.
Perfect simulation for interacting point processes, loss networks and Ising models.
Stoch. Process. Appl. 102, no. 1, 63--88 (2002). math.PR/9911162

62. P.A. Ferrari, A. Maass, S. Martinez, P. Ney
Cesaro mean distribution of group automata starting from measures with summable decay
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, vol 20, 1657-1670 (2000). math.PR/9912135

61. Vladimir Belitsky, Pablo A. Ferrari
Invariant Measures and Convergence for Cellular Automaton 184 and Related Processes
J. Stat Phys 118, 3-4: 589 - 593 ; math.PR/9811103

60. R. Fernandez, P. A. Ferrari, N. L. Garcia
Loss network representation of Ising contours
Ann. Probab. 29 (2001), no. 2, 902--937. math.PR/9806131

59. R. Fernandez, P. A. Ferrari, N. L. Garcia
Measures on contour, polymer or animal models. A probabilistic approach.
Markov Processes and Related Fields 4 (1998), no. 4, 479--497. math.PR/9804031

58. P. A. Ferrari, L.R.G. Fontes, M.E. Vares
The simple exclusion process with multiple shocks
Annals de L'Institut Henry Poincare, Probabilites et Statistiques 36, 2 (2000) 109-126. math.PR/9911237

57. P. A. Ferrari, M. D. Gubitoso, E. J. Neves
Reconstruction of gray-scale images.
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability vol 3 255-270. (2001) math.PR/0003098 Program Pictures

56. P.A. Ferrari and S. Martinez
Hamiltonians on Random Walk Trajectories
Stochastic Process. Appl. 78 (1998), no. 1, 47--68.

55. P.A. Ferrari and A. Galves
Acoplamento em processos estocásticos
SBM, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro (1997).

54. P.A. Ferrari and L. R. G. Fontes
Fluctuations of a surface submitted to a random average process
Electronic Journal of Probability, Vol 3, Paper 6. (1998) Abstract

53. P.A. Ferrari and N. Garcia
One-dimensional loss networks and conditioned M/G/\infty queues.
J. Appl. Probab. 35 (1998), no. 4, 963--975.

52. J. Krug, P. A. Ferrari
Phase transitions in driven diffusive systems with random rates
J. Phys. A. vol 29, L:465-471, (1996).

51. Vladimir Belitsky, Pablo A. Ferrari, Norio Konno, Thomas M. Liggett
A strong correlation inequality for contact processes and oriented percolation
Stochastic Process Appl. 67 (1997), no. 2, 213--225 (1997).

50. P.A. Ferrari
Limit theorems for tagged particles
Markov Processes and Related Fields, Vol. 2:17-40 (1996)

49. I. Benjamini, P.A. Ferrari, C. Landim
Asymmetric conservative processes with random rates
Stochastic Process Appl. vol 61 181-204 (1996).

48. P.A. Ferrari, L. R. Fontes
Poissonian approximation for the tagged particle in asymmetric simple exclusion
J. Appl. Probab. 33 2:411-419 (1996)

47. P.A. Ferrari, S. Martinez, J. San Martin
Phase transition for absorbed Brownian motion
J. Stat. Physics. 86 1/2:213-231 (1996).

46. V. Belitsky, P.A. Ferrari
Ballistic annihilation and deterministic surface growth
J. Stat. Physics. vol 80 3/4 (1995).

45. P.A. Ferrari, H. Kesten, S. Martinez
R-Positivity, quasi stationarity and Yaglom limits for a class of cellular automata
Ann. Appl. Probab. 6 2:577-616 (1996)

44. P.A. Ferrari, A. Frigessi, P. Gonçaga de Sá
Fast approximate MAP restoration of multicolor images
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. vol 57 No. 3 485--500 (1995)

43. P.A. Ferrari, A. Galves, T. M. Liggett
Exponential waiting time for filling a large interval in the symmetric simple exclusion process
Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincare. vol 31 1 155-175(1995)

42. P.A. Ferrari, C. Kipnis
Second class particles in the rarefaction front
Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincare. vol 31 1 143-154 (1995)

41. P.A. Ferrari, L.R.G. Fontes, Y. Kohayakawa
Invariant measures for a two species asymmetric process
J. Stat. Physics. vol. 76 5/6 1153-1177 (1994)

40. P.A. Ferrari, L. R. Fontes
Shock fluctuations for the asymmetric simple exclusion process
Probab. Theory Related Fields vol. 99, 305-319 (1994)

39. P.A. Ferrari, L. R. Fontes
The net output process of a system with infinitely many queues
Ann. Appl. Probab. vol 4 4:1129-1144 (1995)

38. P.A. Ferrari, L. R. Fontes
Current fluctuations for the asymmetric simple exclusion process
Ann. Probab. vol 22, 2 820/832 (1994)

37. P.A. Ferrari, A. Galves, C. Landim
Exponential waiting time for a big gap in a one dimensional zero range process
Ann. Probab. vol. 22 No. 1 284-288 (1994)

36. P.A. Ferrari, H. Kesten, S. Martinez, P. Picco
Existence of quasi stationary distributions. A renewal dynamical approach
Ann. Probab. vol 23, 2:511--521(1995)

35. P.A. Ferrari, S. Martinez
Quasi-Stationary Distributions: Continued Fraction and Chain Sequence criteria for Recurrence
Resenhas do IME-USP, vol 1, numbers 2/3, pages 321-333. (1994)

34. P.A. Ferrari
Shocks in one-dimensional processes with drift
in G. Grimmett (ed.), Probability and Phase Transition NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences Vol 420. 35-48. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht (1994).

33. P.A. Ferrari
Growth processes on a strip
In Disordered systems (Temuco, 1991/1992), volume 53 of Travaux en Cours, pages 87--111. Hermann, Paris, 1996.

32. P.A. Ferrari, L. R. Fontes
Shocks in asymmetric one-dimensional exclusion processes
Resenhas IME-USP Vol 1. 57-68. (1993)

31. P.A. Ferrari, L. R. Fontes
Fluctuations for the asymmetric simple exclusion process
in Cellular Automata and Cooperative Systems N. Boccara, E. Goles, S. Martinez and P. Picco Eds. NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences Vol 396 Kluwer (1993)

30. P.A. Ferrari, S. Martinez, P. Picco
A lower bound for the memory capacity in the Potts-Hopfield model
J. Stat. Phys. 66:1643 (1992).

29 . P.A. Ferrari
Shocks in the Burgers equation and the asymmetric simple exclusion process
in Automata Networks, Dynamical Systems and Statistical Physics, E. Goles, S. Martinez editors. Kluwer Math. and its Appl. 25-64 (1992).

28. P.A. Ferrari
Microscopic shocks in one dimensional driven systems
Ann. Inst. H. Poincare, 55, 637-655 (1991)

27 . P.A. Ferrari, A. Frigessi, R.H. Schonmann
Convergence of the partially parallel Gibbs Sampler with annealing
Ann. Appl. Probab. v.3 137-153 (1992).

26. P.A. Ferrari, S. Martinez, P. Picco
Existence of nontrivial quasi stationary distributions in the Birth and death chain
Adv. Appl. Probability vol 24 795-813 (1992).

25. P.A. Ferrari, K. Ravishankar
Shocks in asymmetric exclusion automata
Ann. Appl. Probab. v.2, No. 4, 928-941 (1992).

24. P.A. Ferrari
Shock fluctuations in asymmetric simple exclusion
Probab. Theory Related Fields 91, 81-101 (1992).

23. P.A. Ferrari
Ergodicity for a class of probabilistic cellular automata
Revista de Matematicas Aplicadas 12 31-40 (1991).

22. P.A. Ferrari, S. Martinez, P.Picco
Some properties of quasi stationary distributions in the birth and death chain: a dynamical approach
in Instabilities and Non Equilibrium structures, Tirapegui Editor. Coll. Math. and its Appl. Kluwer 1991, pg. 177-187.

21. P.A. Ferrari, E. Presutti, E. Scaciatelli, M.E. Vares
The symmetric simple exclusion process. II Applications
Stochastic Process Appl. 39:107-115 (1991)

20. P.A. Ferrari, E. Presutti, E. Scacciatelli, M. E. Vares
The symmetric simple exclusion process. I Probability estimates
Stochastic Process. Appl. 39:89-105 (1991)

19. C. Cammarota, P.A. Ferrari
Invariance principle for the branching exclusion process
Stochastic Process Appl. 38 1-11(1991)

18. P.A. Ferrari, C. Kipnis, S. Saada
Microscopic structure of travelling waves for the simple asymmetric exclusion process
Ann Probab. 19 no 1 (226-244) (1991)

17. P.A. Ferrari
Ergodicity for spin systems with stirrings
Ann Probab. (1990), 18, no 4 1523--1538.

16. A. De Masi, P.A. Ferrari, M.E. Vares
A Microscopic model of interface related to the Burgers equation
J. Stat. Phys. 55 3/4:601-609 (1989).

15. A. De Masi, P.A. Ferrari, S. Goldstein, W.D. Wick
Invariance principle for reversible Markov processes with applications to random motions in random environments
J. Stat. Phys. 55 3/4:787-855 (1989).

14. P.A. Ferrari
Invariance principle for a solid-on-solid interface model
J. Stat. Phys. 51 5/6:1077-1090 (1988).

13. P.A. Ferrari, J.L. Lebowitz, C. Maes
On the positivity of correlation in nonequilibrium systems
J. Stat. Phys. 53 1/2:295-305 (1988).

12. M. Bramson, P. Calderoni, A. De Masi, P.A. Ferrari, J. Lebowitz, R. Schonmann
Microscopic selection principle for diffusion-reaction equations
J. Stat. Phys. 45, 905-920 (1986).

11. P.A. Ferrari, E. Presutti, M.E. Vares
Non equilibrium fluctuations for a zero range process
Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincare Vol. 24 92 237-268 (1988).

10. A. De Masi, P.A. Ferrari, J.L. Lebowitz
Reaction-diffusion equations for interacting particle systems
J. Stat. Phys. 44, 3/4:589-644 (1986). Errata.

9. A. De Masi, P.A. Ferrari, S. Goldstein, W.D. Wick
Invariance principle for reversible Markov processes with applications to diffusion in the percolation regime
Contemporary Mathematics - Vol. 41 (Durrett ed.), 71-85 (1985).

8. P.A. Ferrari, S. Goldstein, J.L. Lebowitz
Diffusion, mobility and the Einstein relation
in Statistical Physics and Dynamical Systems, Rigorous results", J. Fritz, A. Jaffe, D. Szasz editores, 405-442, Bierkhauser (1985).

7. A. De Masi, P.A. Ferrari, J.L. Lebowitz
Rigorous derivations of reaction-diffusion equation with fluctuations
Phys. Rev. Letters 55 19:1947-1949 (1985).

6. P.A. Ferrari, S. Goldstein
Microscopic Stationary states for stochastic systems with particle flux
Probability Theory and Related Fields, Vol. 78 455-471 (1988).

5. P.A. Ferrari, E. Presutti, M.E. Vares
Local equilibrium for a one dimensional zero range process
Stoch. Processes and their Applications 26, 31-45 (1987).

4. P.A. Ferrari
The simple exclusion process as seen from a tagged particle
Ann. Prob. 14 4:1277 - 1290 (1986).

3. A. De Masi, P.A. Ferrari
Self diffusion in one dimensional lattice gases in the presence of an external field
J. Stat. Phys. 38 3/4:603 (1985).

2. A. De Masi, P.A. Ferrari
A remark on the hydrodynamics of the zero range process
J. Stat. Phys. 36 1/2:81(1984).

1. De Masi, P.A. Ferrari, N. Ianiro, E. Presutti
Small deviations from local equilibrium for a process which exhibits hydrodynamical behavior
J. Stat. Phys. 29 1:81 (1982).


1. C.A. Barbosa Dantas, J. Schechtman, P.A. Ferrari, S.E. Berenger, ``Tópicos de Filas e Simulação", III SINAPE (1978).

2. P.A. Ferrari (1987) Passeios Aleatórios e Redes Eletricas SBM 1987.

Last modified: Thu Apr 10 15:22:51 BRT 2008