- Lorenzo Baldi, Teresa Krick, Bernard
Mourrain: An Effective Positivstellensatz over
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Finite Semialgebraic Sets. Preprint October 2024,
- Teresa Krick, Bernard Mourrain, Agnes
Szanto: Univariate rational sums of squares. RevUMA 64(2) (2023) 215-237.
Diamond Open Access , Arxiv.
- Denys Bulavka, Ariel A. Aptekmann, Nicolás A.
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- Felipe Cucker, Teresa Krick: On local
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- Alin Bostan,Teresa
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- Carlos D'Andrea, Teresa Krick, Agnes Szanto,
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- Felipe Cucker, Teresa Krick, Michael Shub: Computing the
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- Alin Bostan, Carlos D'Andrea, Teresa Krick,
Agnes Szanto, Marcelo Valdettaro: Subresultants in
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- Teresa Krick, Agnes Szanto,
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- Carlos D'Andrea, Teresa Krick, Agnes Szanto: Subresultants,
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- Teresa Krick, Nina Verstraete, Leonardo
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- Carlos D'Andrea, Teresa Krick, Martín Sombra:
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- Carlos D'Andrea, Teresa Krick, Agnes Szanto: Subresultants
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- Teresa Krick, Agnes Szanto: Sylvester's double sums: an inductive proof of
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- Felipe Cucker, Teresa Krick, Gregorio Malajovich, Mario
Wschebor: A numerical algorithm for zero counting . III:
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- Martín Avendaño, Teresa Krick: Sharp
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- Felipe Cucker, Teresa Krick, Gregorio Malajovich, Mario
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- Carlos D'Andrea, Hoon Hong, Teresa Krick,
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- Carlos D'Andrea, Hoon Hong, Teresa Krick,
Agnes Szanto: An elementary proof of Sylvester's double
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- Martín Avendaño, Teresa Krick, Martín Sombra:
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- Martín Avendaño, Teresa Krick, Ariel
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- Carlos D'Andrea, Teresa Krick, Agnes
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- Teresa Krick: Straight-line
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Martín Sombra: The computational complexity of the Chow
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- Teresa Krick, Luis Pardo, Martín Sombra: Sharp
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- Joos Heintz, Teresa Krick, Susana Puddu,
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- Teresa Krick, Juan Sabia, Pablo
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- Teresa Krick, Luis Pardo: A
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- Teresa Krick, Alessandro Logar: An
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Mattson, T. Mora and T.R.N. Rao Eds.), Lecture Notes
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- Joos Heintz, Teresa Krick, Anatol Slissenko,
Pablo Solernó: A search for the shortest path
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- Joos Heintz, Teresa Krick, Marie-Francoise
Roy, Pablo Solernó: Geometric problems solvable in
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Ed.), Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. {\bf 508}, Springer
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- Teresa Krick, Alessandro Logar: Membership
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Abstracts and Manuscripts
- Carlos D'Andrea, Teresa Krick, Agnes Szanto,
Marcelo Valdettaro: Closed formula for univariate
subresultants in multiple roots. Accepted for
presentation at Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry,
MEGA'17, Nice, 12-16.06.17 (refereed) . PDF.
- Carlos D'Andrea, Teresa Krick, Agnes
Szanto: Subresultants in multiple roots (extended
abstract). Presented at Effective Methods in
Algebraic Geometry, MEGA'09, Barcelona, 15-19.06.09
(refereed) . PDF.
- Teresa Krick: Enteros. 54 pp.
Lecture Notes of part of the regular course on Algebra,
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de
Buenos Aires (2003). PDF
- Gabriela Jeronimo, Teresa Krick, Juan Sabia,
Martín Sombra: Chow forms of algebraic varieties.
Extended abstract. Workshop Argentino de Informática Teórica,
30 JAIIO, Buenos Aires (2001) (refereed)
- Teresa Krick, Luis Pardo, Martín
Sombra: Arithmetic Nullstellensätze. Extended
abstract. Workshop Argentino de Informática Teórica, 30 JAIIO,
Buenos Aires (2001) (refereed) PDF
- Teresa Krick: Solving
Polynomial Equations. Lecture Notes Introductory
Workshop of the joint programs ``Foundations of
Computational Mathematics" and ``Symbolic Computation in
Geometry & Analysis", Mathematical Science Research
Institute, Berkeley (1998) PDF
- Teresa Krick: Polinomios y
Raíces. 40 pp. Lecture Notes
Reunión de Educación Matemática 1995, UMA, Río Cuarto (1997).
- Joos Heintz, Teresa Krick, Anatol
Slissenko, Pablo Solernó: Une borne inférieure
pour la construction de polygonales dans le plan. Publication
Mathématique Univ. Limoges (1993).
- Teresa Krick: Complejidad para
problemas de Geometría elemental. PhD Thesis,
Universidad de Buenos Aires (1990).
- Noaï Fitchas: Catania Lecture Notes
on Complexity in Elementary Geometry. Lecture
Notes, Workshop on Computational Real Algebraic Geometry
- Teresa Krick: Ejemplos de anillos de
enteros de cuerpos ciclotómicos que no son
dominio de factorización única.
Notas de la Sociedad Matemática de Chile. V Coloquio
Latinoamericano de Algebra. Número Especial, vol. V, No.
1 (1986). MR 89a:11108.
- Teresa Krick: Infinite families
of non--principal cyclotomic rings. Preprint Univ.
Buenos Aires (1985).