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Advanced Workshop
The following mathematicians have agreed to address a plenary lecture.
Lothar Goettsche (Italy) Refined curve counting on algebraic surfaces
Joe Harris (USA) Rationality of Cubic Fourfolds
Michael Harris (France) The Fundamental Lemma of Ngo and its applications to Number Theoy
Robin Hartshorne (USA) Noether's Theorem
James McKernan (USA) Symmetries of Varieties
Sam Payne (USA) Nonarchimedean geometry, tropicalization, and metrics on curves
Rosa MarÃa Miró Roig (Spain) The minimal resolution conjecture for points on a del Pezzo surface. Applications
José Seade (Mexico) On the Chern classes of singular varieties
Michael Singer (USA) Differential Groups and the Gamma Function
Jorge Vitorio Pereira (Brazil) Foliations with numerically trivial canonical bundle
There will also be four sessions with shorter talks
Here you will find the details of all Sessions' Invited Speakers.
All abstracts are in this pdf document. A possibly more up to date version can be found here.
Topics: Algebraic curves and their moduli, Vector bundles and their moduli, Surfaces and higher dimensional varieties, Classical projective geometry. Intersection theory and enumerative geometry
Coordinators : Dan Avritzer, Ciro Ciliberto, Fernando Cukierman
Carolina Araujo ( Brazil )
Leticia Brambila Paz ( Mexico )
Juliana Coelho ( Brazil )
Eduardo Esteves ( Brazil )
Daniela Moura Prata dos Santos ( Brazil )
Juan Carlos Naranjo ( Spain )
Ivan Pan ( Uruguay )
Gian Pietro Pirola ( Italy )
Florent Schaffhauser ( Colombia )
Laura Schaposnik ( United Kingdom )
Armando Treibich Kohn ( France )
Giancarlo Urzua ( Chile )
Israel Vainsencher ( Brazil )
Topics: D-modules and differential algebra, Kähler geometry and generalizations, Complex dynamics and holomorphic foliations, Connections with theoretical physics. Mirror symmetry
Coordinators : Laura Barberis, Javier Fernández, Xavier Gómez Mont, Teresa Monteiro Fernandes
François Charles ( France )
Reimundo Heluani ( Brazil )
Marcos Jardim ( Brazil )
Laurentiu Maxim ( USA )
Ruxandra Moraru ( Canada )
Gregory Pearlstein ( USA )
Claudia Reynoso ( Mexico )
Osvaldo Santillán ( Argentina )
Marcio Soares ( Brazil )
Bernardo Uribe ( Colombia )
Topics: Automorphic forms, theta functions and modular forms, Algebraic groups, Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry. Elliptic curves. Abelian varieties
Coordinators : Roberto Miatello, Fernando RodrÃguez Villegas
Luis Dieulefait ( Spain )
Renato Fehlberg Junior ( Brazil )
Eduardo Friedman ( Chile )
Dorian Goldfeld ( USA )
Lucio Guerberoff ( Argentina )
Abhinav Kumar ( USA )
Shrawan Kumar ( USA )
Ariel Pacetti ( Argentina )
Anita Rojas ( Chile )
Gonzalo Tornaria ( Uruguay )
Marie France Vigneras ( France )
Topics: Singularity theory, Computational methods in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, Connections with combinatorics. Toric varieties. Tropical algebraic geometry, Applications of algebraic geometry to other sciences
Coordinators : Eduardo Cattani, Alicia Dickenstein, Rafael Villareal
Nicolás Botbol ( Argentina )
oberto Callejas-Bedregal ( Brazil )
Cicero Carvalho ( Brazil )
Maria Angelica Cueto ( USA )
Sandra Di Rocco ( Sweden )
Joan Elias ( Spain )
Javier Fernandez de Bobadilla ( Spain )
Gabriela Jeronimo ( Argentina )
Margarida Melo ( Uruguay )
Ragni Piene ( Norway )
Enrique Reyes ( Mexico )
Anne Shiu ( USA )
Aron Simis ( Brazil )
Filippo Viviani ( Italy )