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7 More reductions
The reference for this chapter is [Fer17].
7.1 QC Reductions
What we call "down QC reduction" is usually called "QC Reduction". What we call "up QC reduction" is usually called "QC op reduction"
7.1-1 IsDownQCReduction
‣ IsDownQCReduction ( X, x, y ) | ( operation ) |
7.1-2 IsUpQCReduction
‣ IsUpQCReduction ( X, x, y ) | ( operation ) |
7.1-3 IsQCReduction
‣ IsQCReduction ( X, x, y ) | ( operation ) |
7.1-4 QCCore
‣ QCCore ( X ) | ( operation ) |
7.1-5 QCCores
‣ QCCores ( arg ) | ( operation ) |
Not implemented
7.2 Osaki reductions
7.2-1 IsDownOsakiReduction
‣ IsDownOsakiReduction ( X, x ) | ( operation ) |
7.2-2 IsUpOsakiReduction
‣ IsUpOsakiReduction ( X, x ) | ( operation ) |
7.2-3 DownOsakiReduction
‣ DownOsakiReduction ( X, x ) | ( operation ) |
7.2-4 UpOsakiReduction
‣ UpOsakiReduction ( X, x ) | ( operation ) |
7.2-5 DownOsakiCore
‣ DownOsakiCore ( X ) | ( operation ) |
7.2-6 UpOsakiCore
‣ UpOsakiCore ( X ) | ( operation ) |
7.3 Middle reductions
See [Fer17, Section 3.2.2]
7.3-1 IsDownMiddleReduction
‣ IsDownMiddleReduction ( X, x, y ) | ( operation ) |
7.3-2 IsUpMiddleReduction
‣ IsUpMiddleReduction ( X, x, y ) | ( operation ) |
7.3-3 IsMiddleReduction
‣ IsMiddleReduction ( X, x, y ) | ( operation ) |
7.3-4 MiddleReduction
‣ MiddleReduction ( X, x, y ) | ( operation ) |
7.3-5 MiddleReductionCore
‣ MiddleReductionCore ( X ) | ( operation ) |
7.4 Edge reductions
7.4-1 IsDownEdgeReduction
‣ IsDownEdgeReduction ( X, e ) | ( operation ) |
7.4-2 IsUpEdgeReduction
‣ IsUpEdgeReduction ( X, e ) | ( operation ) |
7.4-3 IsEdgeReduction
‣ IsEdgeReduction ( X, e ) | ( operation ) |
7.4-4 EdgeReduction
‣ EdgeReduction ( X, e ) | ( operation ) |
7.4-5 EdgeReductionCore
‣ EdgeReductionCore ( X ) | ( operation ) |
7.5 Random reductions
7.5-1 RandomWeakPointReduction
‣ RandomWeakPointReduction ( X ) | ( function ) |
Removes a random weak point, if there is any.
gap> A1:=RandomWeakPointReduction(TheWallet());
# Weak point reduction: 3
<finite poset of size 10>
gap> A2:=RandomWeakPointReduction(TheWallet());
# Weak point reduction: 3
<finite poset of size 10>
gap> A3:=RandomWeakPointReduction(TheWallet());
# Weak point reduction: 11
<finite poset of size 10>
gap> A1 = A2;
gap> A1 = A3;
gap> RandomWeakPointReduction(MinimalFiniteModelSphere(1));
# No weak points.
<finite poset of size 4>
7.5-2 RandomQCReduction
‣ RandomQCReduction ( X ) | ( function ) |
Performs a random QC-reduction, if there is any. Recall that if x,y\in X are two maximal elements such that U_x\cup U_y is contractible, then there is a QC-reduction from X to the quotient space X/\{x,y\}. See [Fer17, Definition 2.2.6].
gap> MaximalElements(TheWallet());
[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
gap> RandomQCReduction(TheWallet());
# QC reduction: 1 3
<finite poset of size 10>
gap> RandomQCReduction(TheWallet());
# QC reduction: 3 4
<finite poset of size 10>
gap> RandomQCReduction(MinimalFiniteModelSphere(1));
# No QC reductions.
<finite poset of size 4>
7.5-3 RandomMiddleReduction
‣ RandomMiddleReduction ( X ) | ( function ) |
Performs a random middle-reduction, if there is any. Recall that if x,y\in X are neither maximal nor minimal points such that U_z\cap U_y = \{*\} for every z\in F_x - F_y and U_z\cap U_x = \{*\} for every z\in F_y - F_x, then there is a middle-reduction from X to the quotient space X/ \{x,y\}. See [Fer17, Definition 3.2.5].
gap> RandomMiddleReduction(TheWallet());
# Middle reduction: 5 6
<finite poset of size 10>
gap> RandomMiddleReduction(MinimalFiniteModelSphere(2));
# No middle reduction.
<finite poset of size 6>
7.5-4 RandomEdgeReduction
‣ RandomEdgeReduction ( X ) | ( function ) |
Performs a random edge-reduction, if there is any. Recall that if e = (x\prec y) is an edge in the Hasse diagram of X, with y a maximal element, and if U_b - e (the poset obtained from U_b by removing the covering relation e) is contractible, then there is an edge-reduction from X to X-e. See [Fer17, Definition 3.2.10].
gap> RandomEdgeReduction(TheWallet());
# Edge reduction: [ 7, 11 ]
<finite poset of size 11>
gap> RandomEdgeReduction(MinimalFiniteModelSphere(3));
# No edge reduction.
<finite poset of size 8>
7.5-5 RandomOsakiReduction
‣ RandomOsakiReduction ( X ) | ( function ) |
Performs a random Osaki-reduction, if there is any. Recall that if x_0\in X is an element such that U_x\cap U_{x_0} is either empty or homotopically trivial for all x\in X, then there is a down Osaki-reduction from X to X/U_{x_0}. Similarly, if F_x\cap F_{x_0} is either empty or homotopically trivial for all x\in X then there is an up Osaki-reduction. An Osaki-reduction is either an up or down Osaki-reduction.
gap> RandomOsakiReduction(TheWallet());
# Up Osaki reduction: 5
<finite poset of size 9>
gap> RandomOsakiReduction(FiniteModelProjectivePlane());
# No Osaki reduction.
<finite poset of size 13>
7.5-6 RandomReductionCore
‣ RandomReductionCore ( X ) | ( function ) |
Performs the random reductions described above until reaching a poset with no more reductions. It also shows the list of performed reductions.
gap> T:=TheTriangle();
<finite poset of size 19>
gap> WeakCore(T);
<finite poset of size 19>
gap> RandomReductionCore(T);
# No middle reduction.
# No weak points.
# No Osaki reduction.
# No edge reduction.
# QC reduction: 16 17
# Middle reduction: 5 11
# QC reduction: 13 14
# QC reduction: 13 16
# Edge reduction: [ 8, 2 ]
# Middle reduction: 4 10
# Down Osaki reduction: 7
# Up Osaki reduction: 5
# Weak point reduction: 8
# QC reduction: 7 11
# Middle reduction: 4 7
# Middle reduction: 6 9
# Edge reduction: [ 3, 1 ]
# Weak point reduction: 5
# Up Osaki reduction: 5
# Weak point reduction: 4
# Down Osaki reduction: 3
# Weak point reduction: 1
# Up Osaki reduction: 2
# The poset has size 1.
<finite poset of size 1>
7.5-7 RandomReduction
‣ RandomReduction ( X ) | ( function ) |
Performs one of the reductions described above, chosen at random.
gap> RandomReduction(TheWallet());
# Weak point reduction: 3
<finite poset of size 10>
gap> RandomReduction(TheWallet());
# Edge reduction: [ 5, 9 ]
<finite poset of size 11>