eliminationMatrices : Table of Contents
- eliminationMatrices -- A package for computing resultants.
- bezoutianMatrix -- returns a matrix associated to generalized resultants
- byResolution -- Strategy for eliminationMatrix.
- ciResDeg -- compute a regularity index and partial degrees of the residual resultant over a complete intersection
- ciResDegGH -- compute a regularity index used for the residual resultant over a complete intersection
- ciResidual -- Strategy for eliminationMatrix.
- CM2Residual -- Strategy for eliminationMatrix.
- degHomPolMap -- given a subset of variables 'var' of the polynomial ring R, it returns the base of monomials on these variables, and the matrix of coefficients of a morphism of free modules f:R(d1)+...+R(dn)->R_d with respect to these variables
- detComplex -- This function calculates the determinant of a graded ChainComplex with respect to a subset of the variables of the polynomial ring in a fixed degree.
- detComplex(..., Strategy => ...) -- choose between Exact and Numeric algorithms
- determinantal -- Strategy for eliminationMatrix.
- detResDeg -- compute a regularity index and partial degrees of the determinantal resultant
- eliminationMatrix -- returns a matrix that represents the image of the map
- eliminationMatrix(List,Matrix) -- returns a matrix associated to the Macaulay resultant
- eliminationMatrix(List,Matrix,Matrix) -- returns a matrix corresponding to a residual resultant
- eliminationMatrix(ZZ,List,Matrix) -- returns a matrix corresponding to the determinantal resultant, in particular the Macaulay resultant
- Exact -- Strategy for functions that uses rank computation.
- listDetComplex -- This function calculates the list with the determinants of some minors of the maps of a graded ChainComplex with respect to a subset of the variables of the polynomial ring in a fixed degree.
- listDetComplex(..., Strategy => ...) -- choose between Exact and Numeric algorithms
- Macaulay -- Strategy for eliminationMatrix.
- macaulayFormula -- returns two matrices such that the ratio of their determinants is the Macaulay resultant
- mapsComplex -- This function calculates the maps of a graded ChainComplex with respect to a subset of the variables of the polynomial ring in a fixed degree.
- maxCol -- Returns a submatrix form by a maximal set of linear independent columns.
- maxCol(..., Strategy => ...) -- choose between Exact and Numeric algorithms
- maxMinor -- Returns a maximal minor of the matrix of full rank.
- maxMinor(..., Strategy => ...) -- choose between Exact and Numeric algorithms
- minorsComplex -- This function calculates some minors of the maps of a graded ChainComplex with respect to a subset of the variables of the polynomial ring in a fixed degree. The choice of the minors is according to the construction of the determinant of a complex
- minorsComplex(..., Strategy => ...) -- choose between Exact and Numeric algorithms
- Numeric -- Strategy for functions that uses rank computation.
- regularityVar -- computes the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of homogeneous ideals in terms of Betti numbers, with respect to some of the variables of the ring
- Sylvester -- Strategy for eliminationMatrix.