About me

I am a doctoral student at Universidad de Buenos Aires. My advisor is Guillermo Cortiñas.

My research interests are Leavitt path algebras and (bivariant, graded) algebraic $K$-theory.

You can contact me at garnone at dm.uba.ar.

Publications and Preprints

  • G. Arnone, G. Cortiñas, D. Mukherjee, Homology for Steinberg algebras. Preprint (2024). arXiv
  • G. Arnone, Graded homotopy classification of Leavitt path algebras. Revista Matemática Iberoamericana (2025). doi, arXiv
  • G. Arnone, Lifting morphisms between graded Grothendieck groups of Leavitt path algebras. Journal of Algebra (2023). doi, arXiv
  • G. Arnone, G. Cortiñas, Graded $K$-theory and Leavitt path algebras. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics (2022). doi, arXiv
  • G. Arnone, G. Cortiñas, Non-existence of graded unital homomorphisms between Leavitt algebras and their Cuntz splices. Journal of Algebra and its Applications (2022). doi, arXiv


  • An introduction to ample groupoids and their homology.
    VII CAECE-UBA Algebra Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2024.
  • Homology of groupoid algebras (in Spanish).
    Annual reunion of the Argentine Mathematical Union, Catamarca, Argentina, September 2024.
  • Classification of Leavitt path algebras: bivariant $K$-theory techniques
    CIMPA School Frontiers in Leavitt Path Algebras and related topics, July 2024. Slides.
  • Graded bivariant $K$-theory and the classification of Leavitt path algebras
    Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics, Germany, March 2024.
  • Towards a graded classification of Leavitt path algebras.
    Seminari Teoria d'Anells, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, January 2024.
  • Graded homotopy classification of Leavitt path algebras.
    Research Center for Theoretical Physics, Philippines, December 2023. Slides.
  • Graded homotopy classification of Leavitt path algebras.
    South Atlantic Noncommutative Geometry Seminar, October 2023.
  • Towards a graded classification of Leavitt path algebras (in Spanish).
    Annual reunion of the Argentine Mathematical Union, Salta, Argentina, September 2023. Slides.
  • Bivariant $K$-theory and the graded classification question for Leavitt path algebras (in Spanish).
    Seminario de Álgebra homológica e hierbas afines (SAHHAS), Buenos Aires, April 2023.
  • Lifting morphisms between graded Grothendieck groups of Leavitt path algebras (in Spanish).
    Annual reunion of the Argentine Mathematical Union, Neuquén, Argentina, September 2022
  • Graded $K$-theory and lifting of homomorphisms between Leavitt path algebras (in Spanish).
    Encuentro de $K$-teoría. Montevideo, April 2022.
  • Hermitian graded $K$-theory (in Spanish).
    XXVIII Encuentro Rioplatense de Álgebra y Geometría. La Plata, December 2021.
  • Nonexistence of graded unital homomorphisms between Leavitt algebras and their Cuntz splices (in Spanish).
    Annual reunion of the Argentine Mathematical Union, September 2021.
  • Nonexistence of graded unital homomorphisms between Leavitt algebras and their Cuntz splices.
    South Atlantic Noncommutative Geometry Seminar, August 2021. Slides.
  • Leavitt path algebras and graded hermitian bivariant $K$-theory (in Spanish).
    XVI Congreso Dr. Antonio Monteiro, May 2021.
  • Leavitt path algebras and graded hermitian bivariant $K$-theory (in Spanish).
    South Atlantic Noncommutative Geometry Seminar, April 2021.
