37th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications

July 28 - August 01, 2014

Universidad de Buenos Aires


The program book in available for download in PDF format. Photos of the talks and welcome reception are available on flickr. Videos of plenary lectures are available youtube.

Plenary Lectures

Anton Bovier, Bonn
Extremal processes of branching Brownian motions [slides] [video]

Ivan Corwin, New York
Integrable probability: beyond the gaussian universality class [slides] [video]

Laszlo Erdös, Vienna
Spectral universality for a general class of matrices [slides] [video]

Antonio Galves, São Paulo
Infinite systems of interacting chains with memory of variable length - a stochastic model for biological neural nets [slides] [video]

Christophe Garban, Lyon
Near-critical percolation and minimal spanning tree in the plane [slides] [video]

Martin Hairer, Warwick (Lévy Lecture)
Weak universality of the KPZ equation [slides] [video]

Milton Jara, Rio de Janeiro
Singular fluctuations of interacting particle systems [slides] [video]

Gady Kozma, Weizmann Institute
Card shuffling, quantum mechanics and representation theory [slides] [video]

Eyal Lubetzky, Microsoft
Information percolation for the Ising model [slides] [video]

Sylvie Méléard, Palaiseau
Stochastic dynamics in adaptive biology [slides] [video]

David Nualart, Kansas (IMS Medallion Lecture)
Malliavin calculus and normal approximation [slides] [video]

Felix Otto, Leipzig
A quantitative theory of stochastic homogenization [slides] [video]

Tomohiro Sasamoto, Chiba
The one-dimensional KPZ equation and its universality [slides] [video]

Scott Sheffield, MIT
QLE, DLA, KPZ, SLE, LQG and the Brownian map [slides] [video]

Fabio Toninelli, Lyon
Dimer models, Glauber dynamics and height fluctuations [slides] [video]

Bálint Tóth, Budapest
Walks with long memory: diffusive and super-diffusive limits [slides] [video]

Invited Sessions

Random graph processes
organized by Louigi Addario-Berry, Montréal. Speakers: Curien, Oliveira, Bertoin

SLE and related topics
organized by Vincent Beffara, Lyon. Speakers: Kozdron, Pete, Beffara

Spatial population dynamics
organized by Matthias Birkner, Mainz. Speakers: Hammer, Valesin, Lanchier

Lévy and related jump processes
organized by Krzysztof Bogdan, Wrocław. Speakers: Grzywny, Privault

Random matrix theory
organized by Charles Bordenave, Toulouse. Speakers: Bourgade, Dumitriu, Knowles

Stochastic PDEs
organized by Sandra Cerrai, Maryland. Speakers: Zambotti, Debussche, Bakhtin

Hydrodynamic limits, free boundary problems, and stochastic models in neurosciences
organized by Anna De Masi, L'Aquila. Speakers: Tsagkarogiannis, Giardinà, Locherbach

Gibbs and non-Gibbs
organized by Roberto Fernández, Utrecht. Speakers: van Enter, Martínez, Külske

Stochastic integrable systems
organized by Patrik Ferrari, Bonn. Speakers: Ortmann, Remenik, Zygouras

Rough paths
organized by Massimiliano Gubinelli, Paris Dauphine. Speakers: Perkowski, Diehl, Chevyrev

Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics
organized by Claudio Landim, Rio de Janeiro. Speakers: Teixeira, Belius, Avena

Scaling limits of stochastic networks
organized by Kavita Ramanan, Brown. Speakers: Bramson, Ganguly, Kaspi

Random walks in random environments
organized by Alejandro Ramírez, Santiago. Speakers: Fribergh, Rolla, Sabot

Gaussian multiplicative chaos and applications
organized by Rémi Rhodes & Vincent Vargas, Paris Dauphine. Speakers: Louidor, Curien, Lacoin

organized by Elisabetta Scoppola, Roma. Speakers: Gaudillière, Sohier, Landim

Random media
organized by Vladas Sidoravicius, Rio de Janeiro. Speakers: Cabezas, Beresticky, Ramírez

Random polymers and related systems
organized by Rongfeng Sun, Singapore. Speakers: Caravenna, Remenik

Constrained stochastic dynamics
organized by Cristina Toninelli, Paris Diderot. Speakers: Martinelli, Cancrini, Lecomte

Contributed Sessions

Stochastic differential geometry
organized by Ismaël Bailleul, Rennes. Speakers: Tardif, Ruffino, Bailleul

Stochastic control and related topics
organized by Erik Baurdoux, London. Speakers: Yamazaki, Jensen, Salminen

Lévy processes, fluctuation theory and applications
organized by María Emilia Caballero, Ciudad de México. Speakers: Hernández, Pérez, Uribe Bravo

Risk analysis, ruin and extremes
organized by Corina Constantinescu, Liverpool. Speakers: Constantinescu, Hamza, Thomann

Complex analysis tools for Lévy processes and infinitely-divisible distributions
organized by Sonia Fourati, Rouen. Speakers: Fourati, Thorbjørnsen, Bosch

Infinite and variable range models
organized by Nancy Garcia, Campinas & Florencia Leonardi, São Paulo. Speakers: Gallo, Garivier, Fernández

Phase transitions in interacting particle systems
organized by Stefan Grosskinsky, Warwick & Michail Loulakis, Athens. Speakers: Balázs, Beltrán, Chleboun

Random walk in dynamic random environment
organized by Markus Heydenreich, Leiden. Speakers: Offret, Völlering, Sidoravicius

The art of the Dirichlet processes and their extensions
organized by Gérard Letac, Toulouse & Mauro Piccioni, Roma. Speakers: Lijoi, Hitczenko, Ruggiero

Inverse problems for RWRE, inference and applications
organized by Dasha Loukianova, Evry. Speakers: Matias, Loukianov, Andreoletti

Exact simulation
organized by Nevena Marić, Missouri. Speakers: Marić, Huber

Optimal stopping and applications
organized by Ernesto Mordecki, Montevideo & Paavo Salminen, Turku. Speakers: Christensen, Crocce, Baurdoux

Bootstrap percolation and related cellular automata
organized by Robert Morris, Rio de Janeiro. Speakers: Smith, Kettle, Griffiths

Stability and instability in queueing systems
organized by Yoni Nazarathy, Queensland. Speakers: Jonckheere, Salisbury, Shneer

Percolation theory and related processes
organized by Pierre Nolin, Zürich. Speakers: Hilário, van den Berg, Tassion

Free probability and random matrices
organized by Víctor Pérez-Abreu, Guanajuato. Speakers: Arizmendi, Díaz-Torres, Vargas

Noise sensitivity and percolation
organized by Gábor Pete, Budapest. Speakers: Ahlberg, Broman, Sen

Dispersion in media with interfaces: skew Brownian motion and related processes
organized by Jorge Ramirez, Medellín. Speakers: Waymire, Ramirez, Martinez

Fluctuation of Lévy processes and applications to branching structures and biology
organized by Víctor Rivero, Guanajuato. Speakers: Chaumont, Pardo, Richard

New developments in Malliavin calculus
organized by Marta Sanz-Solé, Barcelona. Speakers: Bally, Dalang, Viens

Markov chains, sequential decisions, and the analysis of algorithms
organized by Michael Steele, Pennsylvania. Speakers: Fill, Arlotto, Steele

The stochastic brain
organized by Jonathan Touboul, Collège de France. Speakers: Berglund, Magnasco, Nazarathy

Contributed Talks

Contributed Talks A. Speakers: Erhard, Franco, Vares

Contributed Talks B. Speakers: Georgiou, Krishnan, Pimentel

Contributed Talks C. Speakers: Döring, Lavancier, Najim

Contributed Talks D. Speakers: Bardet, Ben-Ari, Kendall

Contributed Talks E. Speakers: Ciucu, Meilijson, Podolskij

Contributed Talks F. Speakers: Bermolen, Crane, Muller

Contributed Talks G. Speakers: Candellero, Fontbona, Polito

Contributed Talks H. Speakers: Neumann de Oliveira, Ravishankar, Vetö

Contributed Talks I. Speakers: Loulakis, Misturini, Saglietti

Contributed Talks J. Speakers: Asselah, Papageorgiou, van de Brug

Contributed Talks K. Speakers: Coquille, Soprano Loto, van Zuijlen

Contributed Talks L. Speakers: Brassesco, Overbeck, Wesolowski

Contributed Talks M. Speakers: Orenshtein, Peterson, Pétrélis

Contributed Talks N. Speakers: Aymone, Cook, Milos

Contributed Talks O. Speakers: Pulvirenti, Scoppola, Simon

Contributed Talks P. Speakers: Matzinger, Louis, Vysotsky


List of accepted posters

Social Program

Opening reception

After the last talk on Monday, there will be a reception at 18:30, at Palais de Glace, Posadas 1795. This is a 2-km walk from the Venue. This reception is open to all registered participants. Please bring your credential for admission.

Tuesday before Poster Session

Light snacks and drinks, served at the coffee-break room.

Bernoulli meeting with PhD students and postdocs

Bernoulli Society invites PhD students and Post-docs to a lunch on on Wednesday at 12:00 after the last talk, at the coffee-break room.

Wednesday afternoon


Conference dinner

The conference dinner will be on Thursday July 31, 20:00 at Cabaña Las Lilas, Av. Alicia Moreau de Justo 516, Puerto Madero. Please get the dinner voucher (ar$150) at the registration desk before Tuesday night when we have to confirm the number of diners. Voucher includes wine and soft drinks, but beer and other alcoholic beverages will be charged separately to the participant. Cost for participant companions is ar$475.

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