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22/08/2014 - Videos of plenary lectures
12/08/2014 - Photos of talks and reception
11/08/2014 - Slides of plenary lectures
21/07/2014 - Calendar and smartphone application
37th SPA - Buenos Aires, 2014
The Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications is organized under the auspices of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability, co-sponsored by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and in partnership with the Clay Mathematics Institute.
Organizing Committee:
Plenary Speakers
Anton Bovier, Bonn
Ivan Corwin, New York
Laszlo Erdös, Vienna
Antonio Galves, São Paulo
Christophe Garban, Lyon
Martin Hairer, Warwick (Lévy Lecture)
Milton Jara, Rio de Janeiro
Gady Kozma, Weizmann Institute
Eyal Lubetzky, Microsoft
Sylvie Méléard, Palaiseau
David Nualart, Kansas (IMS Medallion Lecture)
Felix Otto, Leipzig
Tomohiro Sasamoto, Chiba
Scott Sheffield, MIT
Fabio Toninelli, Lyon
Balint Tóth, Budapest
Previous SPAs
• 36. Boulder - Colorado, 2013 • 35. Oaxaca - Mexico, 2011 • 34. Osaka - Japan, 2010 • Full list
Organization Partners
SPA Elsevier Travel Awards
We warmly thank the publishing company Elsevier and the journal Stochastic Processes and their Applications, which have provided four travel grants of up to 500 euros each. These awards are intended for junior researchers who will be presenting at the conference. The recipients are:
Loren Coquille, Bonn;
Sandro Gallo, Rio de Janeiro;
Adriana Neumann de Oliveira, Porto Alegre;
Marielle Simon, Lyon.