Buenos Aires - Argentina - August 1st-5th, 2005

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For Students - EIED2005

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Hotel Information

Hotel rooms have been reserved for attendants to the "PDE-FBP2005" Symposium at the hotels indicated below. Please contact these hotels to make your reservation as soon as possible.

In order to avoid misunderstandings regarding the discount price, please DO NOT use the web page of the hotels to make your reservation. Just email Marina Drysdale (marina@hotelimpala.com.ar), and remember the conference name "PDE-FBP2005" must be quoted in order to qualify for the group discount.

Hotel Sheltown $139.00 (single or double)
Hotel Impala $115.50 (single or double)
Hotel Embajador $ 104.00 (single or double)

Rates are in argentine pesos (1 USD = 2.90 ARS).

All three hotels are located in very good neighborhoods, Barrio Norte and Recoleta, a few hundred meters away from Santa Fe and 9 de Julio Av. The University is easily accessible from there.

Web pages of the hotels can be found at http://www.hotelimpala.com.ar/

If you have any doubts or problems regarding your reservation please do not hesitate in contact us.