Publicaciones y prepublicaciones
- [M. Farinati - G. Gutierrez]
The Tits construction for short sl2-superstructures
- [M. Farinati]
Biracks: a notational proposal and applications
- [M. Farinati - P. Jancsa]
BV - Algebras with Applications to Lie
Bialgebras and
Poisson Cohomology.
- [S. Covez - M. Farinati - V. Lebed - D. Manchon]
Bialgebraic aproach to rack cohomology,
Algebraic and Geometric Topology 23 (2023), pages 1551-1582
DOI: 10.2140/agt.2023.23.1551.
- [M. Farinati]
Universal quantum (semi)groups and Hopf envelopes: Erratum,
- [M. Farinati] Universal quantum (semi)groups
and Hopf envelopes,
Algebras and Representation Theory (2022).
- [M. Farinati - J. Garcia Galofre]
Universal cocycle Invariants for singular knots and links,
Journal of Knot Theory and Its RamificationsVol. 31, No. 09, 2250055 (2022).
- [M. Farinati] Hopfological algebra for infinite dimensional
Hopf algebras,
Algebras and Representation Theory volume 24, pages 1325-1357 (2021).
- [M. Farinati - Gastón A. García]
Quantum function algebras from
finite-dimensional Nichols algebras,
ArXiv:math/1805.11736, Journal of Non Commutative
Geometry vol 14(3), (2020), 879-911.
[J. Beltran
- M. Farinati
- E. G. Reyes]
Central extensions of the algebra of formal
pseudo-differential symbols via
Hochschild (co)homology and
quadratic symplectic Lie algebras,
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra Volume 222, Issue 8, August 2018, Pages
- [M. Farinati - J. Garcia Galofre]
Virtual link and knot invariants from non-abelian Yang-Baxter
2-cocycle pairs,
Osaka Journal of Mathematics 56(3) (2019) 525-547.
- [S. Covez - M. Farinati - D. Manchon] Bialgebraic proof of the existence
cup-product in the cohomology of racks and quandles,
- [M. Farinati - P. Jancsa] Lie bialgebra structures on 2-step nilpotent
graph algebras,
Journal of Algebra Volume 505, 1 July 2018, Pages 70-91.
- [M. Farinati - J. Garcia Galofre]
A differential bialgebra associated to a set theoretical solution of the
Yang-Baxter equation,
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Volume 220, Issue 10, 2016, Pages 3454-3475.
- [M. Farinati - J. Garcia Galofre] Link and knot invariants from
non-abelian Yang-Baxter 2-cocycles,
Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 2016, Vol 25 Nro. 13.
- [M. Farinati - L. Lombardi]
A Cacti theoretical interpretation of the axioms of bialgebras and H-module
Journal of Algebra 427,1 (2015),
pp. 295-316.
- [M. Farinati - A.P. Jancsa]
Trivial central extensions of Lie bialgebras,
Journal of Algebra 390 (2013) 56-76
- [M. Farinati - J. Guccione - J.J. Guccione]
The homology of free racks and quandles,
Comm. in Algebra (2014) 42, pp. 3593-3606.
- [M. Farinati - A.P. Jancsa]
Three dimensional real Lie bialgebras
Revista de la U.M.A. Vol 56,1, (2015).
- [M. Farinati - J.A. Guccione - J.J. Guccione]
The cohomology of monogenic extensions in the noncommutative setting
Journal of Algebra
Volume 319, Issue 12, 15 June 2008, Pages 5101-5124. ISSN 0021-8693
- [M. Farinati]
Hochschild duality, localization and smash products.
Journal of Algebra. Volume 284, Issue 1, 1 (2005), 415-434.
[M. Farinati - A. Solotar]
G-Structure on the cohomology of Hopf algebras.
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 132 (2004), 2859-2865. ISSN 0002-9939.
[M. Farinati - A. Solotar - M. Suárez Álvarez]
Hochschild homology and cohomology of generalized Weyl algebras.
Annales de l'institut Fourier - Grenoble Tome 53 fasc. 2 pp. 465-488 (2003).
ISSN 0373-0956.
[M. Farinati]
On the derived invariance of cohomology theories for coalgebras.
Algebras and Representation Theory
6(3) pp. 303-331 (2003).
ISSN 1386-923X.
Version preliminar
en ArXiv:math.KT/0006060
[M. Farinati]
Teorías de cohomologia de coálgebras, tesis de doctorado,
FCEyN - UBA 1999.
[M. Farinati - A. Solotar]
Smoothness of coalgebras and higher degrees of Hoch^*.
J. of Pure and Applied Alg. Vol. 169 Nro. 2 y 3 (2002) pp. 201-214.
ISSN 0022-4049.
[M. Farinati - A. Solotar]
Extensions of coalgebras and a Hochschild -
Kostant - Rosenberg type theorem.
Comm. in Alg. 29, Nro. 10, pp. 4721-4758 (2001).ISSN 0092-7872.
[J. Alev - M. Farinati - T. Lambre - A. Solotar]
Homologie des invariants d'une algèbre de Weyl
sous l'action d'un groupe fini.
J. of Alg. 2000, 232 (2) pp. 564 - 577.
ISSN 0021-8693.
Hay también un
anuncio electrónico en el
Algebra Montpellier Announcements.
[M. Farinati - A. Solotar]
Cyclic cohomology of coalgebras, coderivations and De Rham
In "Hopf algebras and quantum groups, Lect. Notes in Pure and Applied Math.
(Marcel Dekker) 209 pp. 105 - 130, 2000.
ISBN 0-8247-0395-2/pbk.
[M. Farinati - A. Solotar]
Localization on (necessarily) topological coalgebras.
Journal of Alg. 208(2) pp. 575 - 603, 1998.
ISSN 0021-8693.
[M. Farinati - A. Solotar]
On the Picard group of involutive algebras and coalgebras.
Comm. in Alg. 26(7) pp. 2115 - 2138, 1998. ISSN 0092-7872.
[M. Farinati - A. Solotar]
Morita - Takeuchi equivalence, cohomology of
coalgebras and Azumaya coalgebras . In "Rings, Hopf algebras
and Brauer groups", Lect. Notes Series (Marcel Dekker) 197 pp. 119 -
146, 1998.ISBN 0-8247-0153-4/pbk.
[M. Farinati - A. Solotar]
Morita equivalence for positive Hochschild homology
and dihedral homology. Comm. in Alg. 24(5) pp. 1793 - 1807, 1996.
ISSN 0092-7872.
Libros / apuntes
Notas del curso
Tópicos de Álgebra Homológica, 1er
cuat. 2020.
Análisis Complejo, integración por residuos, Series de Fourier,
Transformadas de Fourier y de Laplace. Versión en
construcción casi final,
1er cuatrimestre 2022.
Notas del curso
Equivalencias Morita y algunas aplicaciones dictado en la
UMA 2018.
Grupos, Álgebras de Lie, y sus
Representaciones (FaMAF Serie B 56 2010),
en colaboración con A. P. Jancsa.
Extensions de Galois commutatives et non commutatives
(Groupe de Travail Inter-universitaire en algèbre
GTIA 2001).
Notas (en español) sobre
Extensiones de Galois de anillos,
dictado en el
VIII Encuentro Rioplatense de Algebra y
Geometría Algebraica, 2001.
Anillos y sus categorías de representaciones, en colaboración
con Andrea Solotar y Mariano Suárez Álvarez.
a página principal.