Many people post their objects of study in their web pages. I decided to
do the same thing, so here is my own zoo. It's kind of esoteric, but certainly
nice: finite dimensional Nichols algebras over braided vector spaces
of nonabelian group type.
Any braided vector space gives rise to a Nichols algebra, as first found
by Nichols in
[W. Nichols, Bialgebras of type one, Comm. Algebra 6 15 (1978), 1521-1552].
See [AG1, math.QA/9802074] for definitions.
See [G1] for a definition of derivations and how to use them. Also for the definition of "group type".
See [G2] for some examples.
See [AG2, math.QA/0202084] for more examples.
These are certainly not the only references, but they are written
in the way I like (of course!).
Other references are
[AS1, math.QA/9803058]
[AS2, math.QA/0110136]
Lest you think you never saw a Nichols algebra,
let me mention two examples: symmetric and antisymmetric ( = exterior)
algebras are Nichols. But there are a lot of examples you might have seen;
here is a list of papers in which they appeared under various names:
[G. Lusztig, Introduction to Quantum Groups, Birkhäuser, 1993.]
[M. Rosso, Certaines formes bilineaires sur les groupes quantiques et une conjecture de Schechtman et Varchenko, CRAS Paris, 314, Sèrie I (1992), 5-8.]
[M. Rosso, Groupes quantiques et algèbres de battage quantiques, CRAS Paris, 320, Sèrie I (1995), 145-148.]
[P. Schauenburg, A Characterization of the Borel-like Subalgebras of Quantum Enveloping Algebras, Comm. in Algebra 24 (1996), 9, 2811-2823]
[S.L. Woronowicz, Differential Calculus on Compact Matrix Pseudogroups (Quantum Groups), Comm. Math. Phys. 122 (1989), 125-170]
So here are all examples I know about of finite dimensional Nichols algebras of nonabelian group type (here by "nonabelian group type" we mean that the braided vector space does not live in a category of modules over the Drinfeld double of an abelian group). All of them are presented by means of quandles and cocycles, as explained in [AG2].
x02 = x12 = x22 = 0,
x0x1+x1x2+x2x0 = 0,
x1x0+x2x1+x0x2 = 0.
Besides these relations, to have a Gröbner basis we have to add the relation
A basis is given then by multiplying one element in each row from top to bottom in all the possible ways:
The Hilbert polynomial is
(1+t)2(1+t+t2) = 1+3t+4t2+3t3+t4
x02 = x12
= x22 = x32 = 0,
x3x2+x2x1+x1x3 = 0,
x3x1+x1x0+x0x3 = 0,
x3x0+x0x2+x2x3 = 0,
x2x0+x0x1+x1x2 = 0,
+x0x2x1x0x2x1 = 0.
A basis is given then by multiplying one element in each row from top to bottom in all the possible ways:
The Hilbert polynomial is then
(1+t)2(1+t+t2)2(1+t3) = t9 + 4 t8 + 8 t7 + 11 t6 + 12 t5 + 12 t4 + 11 t3 + 8 t2 + 4 t + 1.
x02 = x12 = x22 =
x32 = x42 = 0,
+x1x3+x0x1 = 0,
+x1x4+x0x2 = 0,
+x1x0+x0x3 = 0,
+x2x3+x0x4 = 0,
+x2x4+x1x2 = 0,
+x0x1x0x1 = 0.
A basis is given then by multiplying one element in each row from top to bottom in all the possible ways:
The Hilbert polynomial is then
(1 + t)2 (1 + t + t2 + t3 )
(1 + t + 2 t2 + 2 t3 + 2 t4 + t5 + t6)
= t16 + 5 t15 + 15 t14 + 35 t13
+ 66 t12 + 105 t11 + 145 t10
+ 175 t9 + 186 t8 + 175 t7
+ 145 t6 + 105 t5 + 66 t4
+ 35 t3 + 15 t2 + 5 t + 1.
x12 = x22 = x32
= x42 = x52 = x62 = 0,
x4x3+x3x4 = 0
x5x2+x2x5 = 0
x6x1+x1x6 = 0
x3x2+x2x1+x1x3 = 0
x4x1+x2x4+x1x2 = 0
x5x1+x4x5+x1x4 = 0
x5x3+x3x1+x1x5 = 0
x6x2+x2x3+x3x6 = 0
x6x3+x5x6+x3x5 = 0
x6x4+x4x2+x2x6 = 0
x6x5+x5x4+x4x6 = 0
A Gröbner basis is given in this file; the variables x1,...,x6 here are called a,...,f there.
A basis is given then by multiplying one element in each row from top to bottom in all the possible ways:
The Hilbert polynomial is then
(1 + t)2 (1 + t + t2 )2 (1 + t + t2 + t3 )2
t12 + 6t11 + 19t10 + 42t9 + 71t8 + 96t7
+ 106t6 + 96t5 + 71t4 + 42t3 + 19t2 + 6t + 1.
A similar example is given by the transpositions in S4 with the cocycle q = -1. The algebra then has generators x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 (with some identification) and has relations
x02 = x12 = x22
= x32 = x42 = x52 = 0,
x3x2+x2x3 = 0
x4x1+x1x4 = 0
x5x0+x0x5 = 0
x3x0+x1x3+x0x1 = 0
x3x1+x0x3+x1x0 = 0
x4x0+x2x4+x0x2 = 0
x4x2+x0x4+x2x0 = 0
x5x1+x2x5+x1x2 = 0
x5x2+x1x5+x2x1 = 0
x5x3+x4x5+x3x4 = 0
x5x4+x3x5+x4x3 = 0
A Gröbner basis is given in this file; the variables x0,...,x5 here are called a,...,f there.
The dimension and the Hilbert polynomial are the same. Notice that both algebras are different in principle, the relations are not exactly the same though they look similar. Indeed, they are different as braided Hopf algebras.
x02 = x12 = x22
= x32 = x42 = x52
= x62 = 0
x3x0 + x1x3 + x0x1 = 0
x3x2 + x2x0 + x0x3 = 0
x4x1 + x2x4 + x1x2 = 0
x4x3 + x3x1 + x1x4 = 0
x5x0 + x4x5 + x0x4 = 0
x5x1 + x1x0 + x0x5 = 0
x5x2 + x3x5 + x2x3 = 0
x5x4 + x4x2 + x2x5 = 0
x6x0 + x2x6 + x0x2 = 0
x6x1 + x5x6 + x1x5 = 0
x6x2 + x2x1 + x1x6 = 0
x6x3 + x4x6 + x3x4 = 0
x6x4 + x4x0 + x0x6 = 0
x6x5 + x5x3 + x3x6 = 0
x2x0x1x2x0x1 + x1x2x0x1x2x0 + x0x1x2x0x1x2 = 0
A Gröbner basis is given in this file; the variables x0,...,x6 here are called a,...,g there.
A basis is given then by multiplying one element in each row from top to bottom in all the possible ways:
Hilbert polynomial:
(1 + t)2 (1 + t + t2)2
(1 + t + 2t2 + 3t3 + 4t4 + 5t5 + 4t6 + 5t7 + 4t8 + 3t9 + 2t10 + t11 + t12)
(1 + t + t2 + 2t3 + 2t4 + 2t5 + 2t6 + t7 + t8 + t9)
(1 + t + 2t2 + 2t3 + 3t4 + 3t5 + 2t6 + 2t7 + t8 + t9)
=1t36 + 7t35 + 28t34 + 84t33 + 210t32 + 462t31 + 918t30 + 1673t29 + 2828t28 + 4473t27 + 6664t26 + 9394t25 + 12573t24 + 16023t23 + 19488t22 + 22659t21 + 25214t20 + 26873t19 + 27448t18 + 26873t17 + 25214t16 + 22659t15 + 19488t14 + 16023t13 + 12573t12 + 9394t11 + 6664t10 + 4473t9 + 2828t8 + 1673t7 + 918t6 + 462t5 + 210t4 + 84t3 + 28t2 + 7t + 1
x02 = x12 = x22 = x32 =
x42 = x52 = x62 = x72 =
x82 = x92 = 0
x4x2+x2x4 = 0
x4x3+x3x4 = 0
x5x1+x1x5 = 0
x5x3+x3x5 = 0
x6x1+x1x6 = 0
x6x2+x2x6 = 0
x7x0+x0x7 = 0
x7x3+x3x7 = 0
x7x6+x6x7 = 0
x8x0+x0x8 = 0
x8x2+x2x8 = 0
x8x5+x5x8 = 0
x9x0+x0x9 = 0
x9x1+x1x9 = 0
x9x4+x4x9 = 0
x4x0+x1x4+x0x1 = 0
x4x1+x1x0+x0x4 = 0
x5x0+x2x5+x0x2 = 0
x5x2+x2x0+x0x5 = 0
x6x0+x3x6+x0x3 = 0
x6x3+x3x0+x0x6 = 0
x7x1+x2x7+x1x2 = 0
x7x2+x2x1+x1x7 = 0
x7x4+x5x7+x4x5 = 0
x7x5+x5x4+x4x7 = 0
x8x1+x3x8+x1x3 = 0
x8x3+x3x1+x1x8 = 0
x8x4+x6x8+x4x6 = 0
x8x6+x6x4+x4x8 = 0
x9x2+x3x9+x2x3 = 0
x9x3+x3x2+x2x9 = 0
x9x5+x6x9+x5x6 = 0
x9x6+x6x5+x5x9 = 0
x9x7+x8x9+x7x8 = 0
x9x8+x8x7+x7x9 = 0
A Gröbner basis is given in this file; the variables x0,...,x9 here are called a,...,j there.
A basis is given then by multiplying one element in each row from top to bottom in all the possible ways from this file.
Hilbert polynomial:
(1 + t)4 (1 + t + t2)3 (1 + t + 2t2 + 2t3 + t4 + t5)(1 + t + 3t2 + 6t3 + 9t4 + 13t5 + 19t6 + 24t7 + 27t8 + 31t9 + 32t10 + 31t11 + 27t12 + 24t13 + 19t14 + 13t15 + 9t16 + 6t17 + 3t18 + t19 + t20)(1 + t + 2t2 + 2t3 + t4 + t5)
= t40 + 10t39 + 55t38 + 220t37 + 711t36 + 1960t35 + 4761t34 + 10410t33 + 20796t32 + 38370t31 + 65921t30 + 106120t29 + 160857t28 + 230480t27 + 313121t26 + 404330t25 + 497207t24 + 583120t23 + 652942t22 + 698580t21 + 714456t20 + 698580t19 + 652942t18 + 583120t17 + 497207t16 + 404330t15 + 313121t14 + 230480t13 + 160857t12 + 106120t11 + 65921t10 + 38370t9 + 20796t8 + 10410t7 + 4761t6 + 1960t5 + 711t4 + 220t3 + 55t2 + 10t + 1