A linear recurrent sequence is a recurrent sequence that, for some natural n, all the terms of the sequence starting at n+1 are a fixed linear combination (with coefficients in the complex field) of the last n terms.
One of the things I made is that, given a collection of complex numbers, to find a linear recurrent sequence of minimum order (order is what n represents in the last paragraph) which starts with the given numbers. For this purpose I've used some linear algebra objects.
Another thing was to find a majorant and a minorant for the order of the sum of two linear sequences, and to determine one case in wich that majorant is reached.
The main theory that I used is in 1 and here theory.dvi.gz(DVI format), theory.ps.gz (PostScript format) are some corollaries that I needed.
The implementation is made in Squeak , click here to download the code.
Another nice thing would be: given a linear recurrent a determine if exists another b that verifies " a is the sequence of partial sums of b "
The convolution (Cauchy's product) and term by term product are also linear reccurrent sequence operations (I don't have the proof of this, not even a majorant for the orders).
Eric Rodriguez Guevara eguevara@dc.uba.ar
[1] Juan Sabia ( jsabia@dm.uba.ar ) , Susana Tesauri ( stesauri@dm.uba.ar ) , Sucesiones Recursivas Lineales, Notas de Matematica , 5 (U.B.A. 1997) recursivas.dvi.gz (DVI format) recursivas.ps.gz (PostScript format)