- G. Cortiñas, N.C.
Algebraic K-theory and properly infinite C*-algebras.
- G. Cortiñas. Cyclic homology
of H-unital (pro-) algebras, Lie algebra homology of matrices, and a
paper of Hanlon's. arXiv
- G Cortiñas, M.E. Rodríguez. Simplicity of L^p-graph algebras. Forthcoming in J. Operator Theory. arXiv
- G Cortiñas. Exel-Pardo algebras with a twist. Appeared On line first in J. Noncommutative Geom. doi
- G Cortiñas, R. Hazrat. Classification conjectures for Leavitt path algebras. Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 56:10, 3011-3267doi
- G Cortiñas, reporter. Combinatorial *-algebras. Oberwolfach Reports 2024, 12. doi
- G Cortiñas, D. Mukherjee. A Quillen model structure of local homotopy equivalences. Theory and Applications of Categories 41 (2024) 268-287. doi
- G. Arnone, G Cortiñas. Graded $K$-theory and Leavitt path algebras. J. of Algebraic Combinatorics. doi
- G. Cortiñas. Classifying Leavitt path algebras up to involution preserving homotopy.
Math. Annalen. doi
- G Cortiñas. Lifting graph C*-algebra maps to Leavitt path algebra maps. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. doi, arXiv
- G. Arnone, G. Cortiñas. Nonexistence of graded unital homomorphisms between Leavitt algebras and their
Cuntz splices. Journal of Algebra
and its Applications 22(4), 230084 (2023). doi. arXiv
- G. Cortiñas, S. Vega. Bivariant Hermitian $K$-theory and Karoubi's fundamental theorem. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 226:12, 107124. doi arXiv
- G. Cortiñas, D. Montero.
Homotopy classification of Leavitt path algebras. Advances in Mathematics 362 (2020) 106961, 26pp. doi,
- G. Cortiñas, D. Montero.
Algebraic bivariant K-theory and Leavitt path algebras.Journal of
Noncommutative Geometry, 15 (2021) 113-146.
- G. Cortiñas. Álgebra II+I/2: Notas de Teoría de
Álgebras. Cursos y Seminarios de Matemática, Serie B, Fascículo 13,
Departamento de Matemática, FCEyN, UBA, 2020.
- G. Cortiñas, R. Meyer, D. Mukherjee.
Nonarchimedean analytic cyclic homology. Documenta Mathematica 25, 1353--1419. doi
- G. Cortiñas. Notas de
Álgebra II. Cursos de grado, Fascículo 11, Departamento de Matemática, FCEyN, UBA, 2020.
- G. Cortiñas,
M. E. Rodríguez.
L^p-operator algebras associated with oriented graphs. Journal of Operator Theory 81 (2019), 225-254. doi
- G. Cortiñas, C.
Haesemeyer, M.E. Walker, C. Weibel. The K-theory of toric schemes over
regular rings of mixed characteristic.
Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra, and Related Topics. Festschrift
for Antonio Campillo on the Occasion
of his 65th Birthday.
Gert-Martin Greuel, Luis Narváez and Sebastá Xambó-Descamps, Eds. Springer, 2018. Pages 455-479. doi
- G. Cortiñas,
J. Cuntz, R. Meyer, G. Tamme.
Weak completions, bornologies and rigid cohomology. Journal of Geometry and Physics 129, 192-199 (2018).
- G. Cortiñas,
J. Cuntz, R. Meyer, G. Tamme.
Nonarchimedean bornologies and rigid cohomology. Documenta Mathematica 23, 1197-1245 (2018). doi
- G. Cortiñas, G.
Compact operators and algebraic K-theory for groups which act properly
and isometrically on Hilbert space. J. reine angew. Math. 734 (2018), 265-292.
- G. Cortiñas, E.
Rodríguez Cirone. Singular coefficients in the K-theoretic
Farrell-Jones conjecture. Algebr. Geom. Topol. 16 (2016)
129-147. doi
- G. Cortiñas, C.
Haesemeyer, M.E. Walker, C. Weibel. Toric
varieties, monoid schemes and $cdh$ descent.
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Math. 698, 1-54 (2015). doi.
- B. Abadie, G. Cortiñas.
Homotopy invariance through small stabilizations. J. Homotopy
Relat. Struct. September 2015, Volume 10, Issue 3, pp 459-493 doi.
- G. Cortiñas.
Cyclic homology, tight crossed products, and small stablizations.
J. Noncommut. Geom., 8(4) 1191-1223 (2014). doi
- G. Cortiñas. Excision,
descent, and singularity in algebraic K-theory. Procedings of ICM, 2014,
Seoul, 143--162.
- G. Cortiñas, G.
Trace class operators, regulators, and assembly maps in K-theory.
Doc. Math., 19 (2014) 439--455.
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- G. Cortiñas, G.
Tartaglia. Operator ideals and assembly maps in K-theory. Proc.
Amer. Math. 142 (2014), 1089-1099 doi
- G. Cortiñas, E.
Ellis. Isomorphism conjectures with proper coefficients. J. Pure
Appl. Algebra 218 (2014),no. 7, 1224-1263 doi.
- G. Cortiñas, C.
Haesemeyer, M.E. Walker, C. Weibel.
The K-theory of toric varieties in positive characteristic.
J. Topol., (2014) 7 (1):247-286, doi.
P. Ara, G. Cortiñas. Tensor products of Leavitt path algebras. Proc.
Amer. Math. Soc., 141(8) 2629–2639.
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H. Bursztyn, R. Sánchez-García, E. Hoefel, M. Karoubi, J.F.
Lafont, B. Mesland, R. Meyer, I. Ortiz, J. Rosenberg, G.Tabuada, R.
Trinchero, B. Tsygan, S. Waldmann, A. Zuk. Topics in Noncommutative
Geometry. G. Cortiñas, Ed. Clay Mathematics Institute Proceedings, Vol
G. Cortiñas, A. Thom. Algebraic geometry of topological
spaces I. Acta Mathematica 209 (2012) 83-131. arXiv
G. Cortiñas, C. Haesemeyer, M. E. Walker, C. Weibel. K-theory of cones of
smooth varieties. Journal of Algebraic Geometry 22 (2013),
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G. Cortiñas, C. Haesemeyer, M. E. Walker, C. Weibel. A negative answer to a question
of Bass.
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 139(4):1187-1200, (2011). arXiv
P. F. Baum, G. Cortiñas (ed.), R. Meyer, R. Sánchez-García, M.
Schlichting, B.
Toën. Topics in algebraic and topological
K-theory. Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2008.
Publisher's website . pdf
- G.
Cortiñas. Algebraic v. topological K-theory: a
friendly match. In: Topics in algebraic and topological K-theory. Springer
Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2008. arXiv
- G.
Cortiñas, C. Haesemeyer, M. E. Walker, C. Weibel. Bass' NK groups and cdh-fibrant Hochschild homology.
Inventiones Mathematicae 181 (2), pp. 421-448.
P. Ara, M. Brustenga, G. Cortiñas. K-theory of Leavitt path algebras. Münster
Journal of
Mathematics, 2 (2009), 5--34.
- G.
Cortiñas, C. Weibel. Relative Chern characters for nilpotent ideals.
Algebraic Topology. The Abel Symposium 2007. Baas, N.; Friedlander, E.M.;
Jahren, B.; Østvær, P.A. (Eds.). Springer, 2009; pp 61-82.
G. Cortiñas, J. Cuntz, M. Karoubi, R. Nest. K-Theory and Noncommutative
Geometry: Connections and Applications to Other Areas of Mathematics. European
Mathematical Society Publishing House, 2008.
- G.
Cortiñas, C. Haesemeyer, C. Weibel. Infinitesimal cohomology and the Chern character to negative
cyclic homology. Math. Annalen 344 (2009) 891-922.
- G.
Cortiñas, C. Haesemeyer, M. E. Walker, C. Weibel. The K-theory of toric varieties. Trans.
Amer. Math. Soc. 361 (2009), 3325-3341.
- G. Cortiñas, A. Thom.
between algebraic and topological K-theory of locally
convex algebras. Advances in Mathematics, 218 (2008),
- G.
Cortiñas, C. Haesemeyer, C. Weibel. K-regularity, cdh-fibrant Hochschild homology, and a conjecture
of Vorst. Journal of the Amer. Math. Soc.
21 (2008), 547--561.
- G. Cortiñas, C. Haesemeyer,
M. Schlichting, C. Weibel. Cyclic homology, cdh-cohomology and negative
K-theory. Annals of Mathematics. 167, (2008) 549-573.
- G. Cortiñas, A. Thom.
Bivariant algebraic K-theory. J. reine angew.
Math. 510 (2007) 71-124.
- G. Cortiñas. The obstruction
to excision in K-theory and in cyclic homology. Invent. Math. 454 (2006)
. arXiv
- J.L.
Castiglioni, G. Cortiñas. Cosimplicial versus DG-rings: a version of the Dold-Kan
correspondence. J. Pure Appl. Algebra.191 (2004) 119-142.
- G.
Cortiñas, M. de León. Cálculos efectivos de la homología cíclica
negativa de hipersuperficies con singularidades aisladas. EACA 2004:
Actas de los Encuentros de Algebra Computacional y Aplicaciones, 2004.
L. González Vega, T. Recio (Eds.) Universidad de Cantabria. Santander,
2004.ISBN 84-688-6988-04
- G. Cortiñas, C. Valqui. Excision
in bivariant periodic cyclic homology: a categorical approach. K-theory
30 (2003) 167-201.
- G. Cortiñas. De Rham and
infinitesimal cohomology in Kapranov's model for noncommutative
algebraic geometry. Compositio Mathematica 136 (2003)
- G. Cortiñas. The structure of
smooth algebras in Kapranov's framework for noncommutative geometry. J.
of Algebra 281 (2004) 679-694.
- G. Cortiñas. An explicit
formula for PBW quantization. Comm. Algebra 30, (2002) 1705-1713.
- G.
Cortiñas. Cuantización y teorema de Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt.
Pro-Mathematica 29-30 (2001) 123-127.
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- G. Cortiñas. Periodic cyclic
homology as sheaf cohomology. K-theory 20 (2000) 175-200.
- G. Cortiñas. Interchanging
holims and hocolims in CAT. Bol. Acad. Nac. Ciencias 65, Nov
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- G. Cortiñas. On the derived
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Colloquium 5, no. 3 (1998), 305-328.
- G. Cortiñas, F. Krongold.
Artinian algebras and differential forms. Comm. in Alg. 27:4
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- G. Cortiñas. On the cyclic
homology of commutative algebras over arbitrary ground rings. Comm.
in Alg. 27:3 (1999) 1403-1412.
- G. Cortiñas, S. Geller, C. Weibel.
The artinian Berger conjecture. Math. Z. 228, 569-588 (1998).
- G. Cortiñas, J. Shapiro. On
universal central extensions of quadratic Lie
algebras and its relation to dihedral homology. J. of Alg. 180
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- G.
Cortiñas. Conjetura de Berger artiniana Pro Mathematica 8 123-127
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- G.
Cortiñas, C. Weibel. Homology of Azumaya algebras. Proc. Amer. Math.
Soc. 121, 53-55 (1994).
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- G. Cortiñas. L-theory and
dihedral homology II. Topology and its Appl. 51, 53-69 (1993).
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- G. Cortiñas. L-theory and
dihedral homology. Math. Scand. 73, 21-35 (1993).
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- G. Cortiñas. Stiefel-Whitney
classes for quadratic modules. Comm. in Alg. 21, 163-178 (1993).
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- L. Caniglia, G. Cortiñas, S.
Danon, A. Galligo, J. Heintz, T. Krick, P. Solernó. Algorithmic
aspects of Suslin's proof of Serre's conjecture. Comput.
Complexity 3, 31-55, (1993).
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- G.
Cortiñas, J. A. Guccione, J. J. Guccione. Decomposition of Hochschild and cyclic
homology of commutative differential graded algebras. J.of Pure
and Appl. Alg. 83, 219-235 (1992).
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- N. Fitchas (L. Caniglia, G.
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Nullstellensatz effectif et conjecture de Serre pour le calcul formel. Math.
Nach. 149 231-253 (1990).
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- G.
Cortiñas, J. A. Guccione, O. E. Villamayor. Cyclic homology of k[Z/pZ].
K-theory 2 603-616, (1989).
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- G.
Cortiñas, O.E. Villamayor. Cyclic homology of k[Z/2Z].Revista
de la UMA 33, 55-61 (1987).
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- G.
Cortiñas. La K-teoria ortogonal de Karoubi-Villamayor. Notas Soc. Mat. de Chile, 5 151-152,
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