This research school aims at presenting frontier topics in Probability.
Five courses and several lectures will be presented.
The school will take place from July 16th to 27th 2018 at Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Aula 3, Pabellón 1
Poster session: there will be a Poster Session on Tuesday 17th at 17h30 in the Hall of Aula Magna.
Here is the poster of the school.
Amine Asselah, Paris
Hydrophobic PolymerChristophe Garban, Lyon
An introduction to Constructive Field TheoryMilton Jara, IMPA
Non-equilibrium fluctuations of interacting particle systemsCourses
Claudio Landim, IMPA
Metastable Markov chainsJason Miller, Cambridge
Continuum Gaussian free field and Liouville quantum gravityScientific committee
- Pablo Ferrari, UBA
- Claudio Landim, IMPA
- Alejandro Ramirez, PUC Chile
- Cristina Toninelli, Paris Diderot
- Ofer Zeitouni, Rehovot, New York
Local Committee
- Daniela Cuesta
- Aurelia Deshayes
- Nicolás Frevenza
- Matthieu Jonckheere
- Nahuel Soprano Loto
- Amine Asselah, UPEC
- Pablo A. Ferrari, UBA