Brief CV:

Academic degrees

PH.D. in Mathematics, Medidas Tangenciales sobre Cilindros Convexos en E^n, 1983,
Department of Mathematics, F.C.E.y N., University of Buenos Aires.
Supervisor: Prof. Luis A. Santaló

Licenciatura en Matemática
(equivalent to M.Sc.), 1980,
Department of Mathematics, F.C.E.y N., University of Buenos Aires.
Supervisor: Prof. Luis A. Santaló



Member of the research group: Real and Harmonic Analysis
Department of Mathematics, F.C.E.y N., Universidad de Buenos Aires.


Membership in Academic Institutions:

Selected Publications

Some Invited Lectures

Teselados Fractales. Instituto de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina.
Multivariate homogeneous functions in shift invariant spaces. Keynote Address. Computational Harmonic Analysis 2004, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Sequences, Cantor Sets and Hausdorff measure. Colloquium of the Department of Mathematics, University of Wien, Vienna, Austria.
Optimal Shift Invariant Spaces. Special Session ``Wavelets Frames and Operators'', AMS Winter meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Conjuntos de Cantor de medida positiva. Colloquium of the Department of Mathematics, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Necessary conditions for the existence of multidimensional refinable functions. 45. SPIEE. Wavelets in Signal and Image Processing, San Diego, CA, USA
Wavelets and Tilings in R^d. Banach space workshop. Kent State, Kent, OH, USA.
Sums of Cantor Sets, Colloquium of the Department of Mathematics, Miami University, Oxford, OH, USA.
Una recíproca del Teorema del Punto Fijo, Instituto Argentino de Matemática. Buenos Aires. Argentina.

PHD Students 

Already graduated:

Marcela C. Falsetti PHD in Mathematics, University of Buenos Aires. December 2003.


Leandro Zuberman. PHD in Mathematics, University of Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Ignacio García. PHD in Mathematics, University of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Argentina.

Latest Research Visits

Thesis committees, selection committees, other

Referee for the following Journals: