7.1.1 Artículos completos publicados en revistas científicas
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Matias Alejo GRAÑA, ANDRUSKIEWITSCH, N. Braided Hopf algebras over non-abelian finite groups. Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias (Cordoba) v.63, p.45 - 78, 1999.
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Matias Alejo GRAÑA A freeness theorem for Nichols algebras. Journal of Algebra. , v.231, n.1, p.235 - 257, 2000.
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Matias Alejo GRAÑA On Nichols algebras of low dimension. Contemporary mathematics. , v.267, p.111 - 134, 2000.
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Matias Alejo GRAÑA On pointed Hopf algebras of dimension p^5. Glasgow Mathematical Journal. , v.42, n.3, p.405 - 419, 2000.
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Matias Alejo GRAÑA Pointed Hopf algebras of dimension 32. Communications in Algebra. , v.28, n.6, p.2935 - 2976, 2000.
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Matias Alejo GRAÑA Quandle knot invariants are quantum knot invariants. Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications. , v.11, n.5, p.673 - 681, 2002.
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Matias Alejo GRAÑA, ANDRUSKIEWITSCH, N. From racks to pointed Hopf algebras. Advances in Mathematics. , v.178, n.2, p.177 - 243, 2003.
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Matias Alejo GRAÑA, ETINGOF, P. On rack cohomology. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. , v.177, n.1, p.49 - 59, 2003.
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Matias Alejo GRAÑA Indecomposable racks of order p^2. Beitrage R Algebra Geom. , v.45, n.2, p.665 - 676, 2004.
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Matias Alejo GRAÑA, CARTER, J. S., SAITO, M., ELHAMDADI, M. Cocycle knot invariants from quandle modules and generalized quandle homology. Osaka Journal of Mathematics. , v.42, n.3, p.499 - 541, 2005.
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Matias Alejo GRAÑA, TURAEV, V. Knot theory for self-indexed graphs. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. , v.357, n.2, p.535 - 553, 2005.
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Matias Alejo GRAÑA, ETINGOF, P. Quantization of non-unitary geometric classical r-matrices. Mathematical Research Letters. , v.12, n.2-3, p.141 - 153, 2005.
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Matias Alejo GRAÑA, ACOSTA, G., PINASCO, J. P. Condition numbers and scale free graphs. European Journal of Physics. , v.53, p.381 - 385, 2006.
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Matias Alejo GRAÑA, GUCCIONE, J. A., GUCCIONE, J. J. Decomposition of some pointed Hopf algebras given by the canonical Nakayama automorphism. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. , v.210, n.2, p.493 - 500, 2007.
7.1.2 Artículos resumidos publicados en revistas científicas
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Matias Alejo GRAÑA, ANDRUSKIEWITSCH, N. Examples of liftings of Nichols algebras over racks. AMA. Algebra Montpellier Announcements. , v.2003, n.1, p.1 - 6, 2003.