Matías Graña

Dirección / Address

Depto de Matemática - FCEyN
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Pab I - Ciudad Universitaria
(1428) Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA

Teléfono / Phone

(+54)(11) 4576-3390 / 6, Int. 911
Fax: (+54)(11) 4576-3335

Mail / e-Mail

matiasg arroba dm punto uba punto ar
matiasg at dm dot uba dot ar

CV / Vita (in spanish)


Artículos y similares / Articles and alike

  1. Nicolás Andruskiewitsch, Fernando Fantino, Matías Graña, Leandro Vendramin Pointed Hopf algebras over some sporadic simple groups Preprint pdf dvi
  2. Nicolás Andruskiewitsch, Fernando Fantino, Matías Graña, Leandro Vendramin Finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras with alternating groups are trivial Preprint pdf dvi
  3. Sebastián Freyre, Matías Graña, Leandro Vendramin On Nichols algebras over PSL(2,Fq) and PGL(2,Fq) Preprint pdf dvi
  4. Sebastián Freyre, Matías Graña, Leandro Vendramin On Nichols algebras over SL(2,Fq) and GL(2,Fq) J. Math. Phys. 48 2007 123513 (11pp) pdf dvi
  5. Matías Graña, István Heckenberger On a factorization of graded Hopf algebras using Lyndon words J. Algebra 2007 314 324-343 pdf dvi
  6. Matías Graña, Juan José Guccione, Jorge Alberto Guccione Decomposition of some pointed Hopf algebras given by the canonical Nakayama automorphism J. Pure Appl. Algebra 2007 210 493-500 pdf dvi
  7. Matías Graña, Juan Pablo Pinasco Discrete Scale Invariance in Scale Free Graphs Physica A 2007 380 601-610 pdf
  8. Gabriel Acosta, Matías Graña, Juan Pablo Pinasco Condition numbers and scale free graphs The European Physical Journal B 2006 53 381-385 e-version pdf
  9. J.S. Carter, M. Elhamdadi, M. Graña, M. Saito Cocycle Knot Invariants from Quandle Modules and Generalized Quandle Cohomology Osaka J. Math. 42 499-541 2005 ps.gz
  10. M. Graña, V. Turaev Knot theory for self-indexed graphs Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 357 535-553 2005 dvi ps.gz djvu
  11. P. Etingof and M. Graña Quantization of non-unitary geometric classical r-matrices Math. Res. Letters 12 2,3 141-153 2005 dvi ps.gz
  12. M. Graña Indecomposable racks of order p2 Beiträge Algebra Geom. 45 2 665-676 2004 dvi ps.gz
  13. N. Andruskiewitsch, M. Graña Examples of liftings of Nichols algebras over racks Téories d'homologie, repésentations et algèbres de Hopf AMA Algebra Montp. Announc. Paper 1, 6 pp. (electronic) 2003 dvi ps.gz
  14. N. Andruskiewitsch, M. Graña From racks to pointed Hopf algebras Adv. Math. 178 2 177-243 2003 ps.gz
  15. P. Etingof, M. Graña On rack cohomology J. Pure Appl. Algebra 177 1 49-59 2003 dvi ps.gz
  16. M. Graña Quandle knot invariants are quantum knot invariants J. Knot Theory Ramifications 11 5 673-681 2002 ps.gz
  17. M. Graña On Nichols algebras of low dimension New trends in Hopf algebra theory (La Falda, 1999) Contemp. Math. 267 111-134 Amer. Math. Soc. Providence, RI 2000 dvi ps.gz
  18. M. Graña A freeness theorem for Nichols algebras J. Algebra 231 1 235-257 2000 dvi ps.gz
  19. M. Graña On pointed Hopf algebras of dimension p5 Glasg. Math. J. 42 3 405-419 2000 dvi ps.gz
  20. M. Graña Pointed Hopf algebras of dimension 32 Comm. Algebra 28 6 2935-2976 2000 dvi ps.gz
  21. N. Andruskiewitsch, M. Graña Braided Hopf algebras over non-abelian finite groups Colloquium on Operator Algebras and Quantum Groups (Spanish) (Vaquerías, 1997) Bol. Acad. Nac. Cienc. (Córdoba) 63 45-78 1999 dvi ps.gz

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