Hi. This (finally!) is a working fileout of my SturmPlotter. The fileout is somewhat big because it has: * The MorphicWrappers version I used. * My polynomials, which also require other classes to work. * All the other Sturm related classes (Chain, RootFinder). * GaussianRootFinder. * Number intervals. * Tuples. * Methods here, methods there... Here's a guided tour. After filing in the change set, open a morphic world (which should be wrapper). Now, type: SturmPlotter new A cyan box should appear. Leave it there, and on the air write: poly _ SVPolynomial xMinusALot: #(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) That will cause that a polynomial that is the product x(x-1)(x-2)...(x-10) will be named poly. Now type: interval _ NumberInterval from: -0.5 to: 10.5 So, interval will be (-0.5, 10.5). Write poly on the air and drop the resulting polynomial over the plotter. A menu appears, select polynomial:. Now, write interval on the air, drop it over the plotter and select plotIn:. Great, isn't it? But... double click on the plotter and select (from the list below) plotSize. It will answer the current "pencil size" the plotter used to draw. Double click again and select sampleAmount. Too few samples, aren't they? Write 512 on the air and drop it over the plotter, select sampleAmount:. Now drop 1@10 over the plotter and select plotSize:. Notice that nothing happens. Now double click on the plotter and select update. Voila! You can also try 1@16 (I like it more than 1@10) or so... but remember that you're using 512 samples in the interval so the plot will be 512 * plotSize x pixels wide (plus the green border). Right now I'm using it with 8 bit colors. But at 16 bit colors it has to look great. I've just changed to 16 bit color depth. IT LOOKS FASTASTIC!!! Andres.