BRIEF NOTES ON SINGULAR If you want to download Singular for your PC or Mac go to: and follow the instructions there. Here starts a Singular session: SINGULAR / A Computer Algebra System for Polynomial Computations / version 2-0-3 < by: G.-M. Greuel, G. Pfister, H. Schoenemann \ February 2002 FB Mathematik der Universitaet, D-67653 Kaiserslautern \ > The prompt to enter commands in Singular is > The first step is to declare a ring > ring R = 0, (x,y,z), dp; You must specify that it is a ring, the name, and then three attributes: the characteristic (in this case zero), the names of the variables and an order. Here are how to specify some important orders: Global orders: dp = grevlex, Graded Reverse Lexicographic lp = lex, Lexicographic Dp = deglex, Degree Lexicographic Local orders: ds = negative Graded Reverse Lexicographic. ls = Negative Lexicographic Ds = Negative Degree Lexicographic If you want to have variable names x(1),...,x(15) you don't need to type them all, you can simply specify: x(1..15) > ring R1 = 0, (x(1..15)), lp; > R1; // characteristic : 0 // number of vars : 15 // block 1 : ordering lp // : names x(1) x(2) x(3) x(4) x(5) x(6) x(7) x(8) x(9) x(10) x(11) x(12) x(13) x(14) x(15) // block 2 : ordering C Note that you can check the "parameters" of your ring by typing its name followed by ; (every Singular command must end with ;) You can also consider the ring of polynomials with coefficients in the field of rational functions on some parameters. For example the ring > ring R2 = (0,a,b,c), (x,y,z), dp; > R2; // characteristic : 0 // 3 parameter : a b c // minpoly : 0 // number of vars : 3 // block 1 : ordering dp // : names x y z // block 2 : ordering C is a polynomial ring in the variables (x, y, z) with coefficients which may be rational on the parameters (a,b,c). The last ring you defined is the active ring. If you want to go back to a previous ring you can use the command setring > setring R; > R; // characteristic : 0 // number of vars : 3 // block 1 : ordering dp // : names x y z // block 2 : ordering C You can now define polynomials or ideals in the active ring: > poly f = x^3*y^2 - 2*x*y; > f; x3y2-2xy Note how Singular deals with powers, writing them to the right of the variable. You can also input in that way but it's not recommended! If you use variables from another ring, Singular won't like it: > poly g = x(1)^2; ? `x(1)` is not defined ? error occurred in STDIN line 15: `poly g = x(1)^2;` ? expected poly-expression. type 'help poly;' You must change to ring R1 for this to make sense: > setring R1; > poly g = x(1)^2; > g; x(1)^2 Or, instead, if you want to work with the polynomial g, defined in the ring R, in the new ring R1, you can fetch it: > poly g = fetch(R,g); Even if the names of the variables are different, fetch will translate the first variable in R into the first variable in R1, etc. Note that when the variable uses indices, Singular uses the ^ form for powers. We define a ring in four variables and define an ideal: > ring R = 0, (x,y,z,w), lp; // ** redefining R ** > poly f1 = 3*x^2 + 2*y*z - 2*x*w; > poly f2 = 2*x*z - 2*y*w; > poly f3 = 2*x*y - 2*z - 2*z*w; > poly f4 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 1; > ideal I = f1, f2, f3, f4; > I; I[1]=3x2-2xw+2yz I[2]=2xz-2yw I[3]=2xy-2zw-2z I[4]=x2+y2+z2-1 Note that Singular describes an ideal by a list of its generators. The command groebner computes a Groebner basis relative to a global order, in this case the lexicographic order: > ideal J = groebner(I); > J; J[1]=96w6+212w5-116w4-493w3-225w2+36w J[2]=24zw3+53zw2+25zw-4z J[3]=1105z2+960w5+1928w4-2076w3-4338w2-189w J[4]=3yw2+3yw-2z3-4zw2-4zw+2z J[5]=2yzw+2yz-4z4-2z2w2+z2w+7z2 J[6]=27y2-16yz3+4yzw2-14yzw-2yz-12z2w2+24z2w+51z2+12w2-27 J[7]=3x+4y2w-6yzw-3yz+2z2w-2w Note that this result means that w is the smallest variable. We can make x the smallest variable by redefining the ring: > ring Rx = 0, (y,z,w,x), lp; Since only the monomial order has changed, the ideal makes sense in this new ring as well so we can "bring it" from R to Rx: > ideal Ix = imap(R,I); > Ix; Ix[1]=2yz-2wx+3x2 Ix[2]=-2yw+2zx Ix[3]=2yx-2zw-2z Ix[4]=y2+z2+x2-1 > ideal Jx = groebner(Ix); > Jx; Jx[1]=24x6+25x5-18x4-25x3-6x2 Jx[2]=10wx-144x5-102x4+134x3+87x2+10x Jx[3]=4w2-6wx3-2wx2+4w+6x4-3x3-6x2 Jx[4]=24zx4+25zx3+6zx2 Jx[5]=4zw-120zx3-77zx2+4z Jx[6]=z2-3wx2+w+3x3 Jx[7]=yx-zw-z Jx[8]=yw-zx Jx[9]=2yz-2wx+3x2 Jx[10]=y2+z2+x2-1 We can compute the dimension of the quotient R/J with the command vdim (note that we have to use a groebner basis in the active ring) > vdim(Jx); 12 We can also get a basis of the quotient with the command kbase: > ideal K = kbase(Jx); > K; K[1]=x5 K[2]=x4 K[3]=zx3 K[4]=x3 K[5]=zx2 K[6]=x2 K[7]=zx K[8]=x K[9]=w K[10]=z K[11]=y K[12]=1 Singular also allows us to compute the radical of an ideal but we must first load a library primdec.lib > LIB "primdec.lib"; // ** loaded /usr/local/singular/2-0-3/LIB/primdec.lib (,2002/03/25) // ** loaded /usr/local/singular/2-0-3/LIB/matrix.lib (,2002/02/20) // ** loaded /usr/local/singular/2-0-3/LIB/ring.lib (,2002/02/20) // ** loaded /usr/local/singular/2-0-3/LIB/inout.lib (,2002/02/20) // ** loaded /usr/local/singular/2-0-3/LIB/random.lib (,2002/02/20) // ** loaded /usr/local/singular/2-0-3/LIB/poly.lib (,2002/04/09) // ** loaded /usr/local/singular/2-0-3/LIB/elim.lib (,2002/02/20) // ** loaded /usr/local/singular/2-0-3/LIB/general.lib (,2002/04/12) > ideal Jred = radical(Jx); > Jred; Jred[1]=24x5+25x4-18x3-25x2-6x Jred[2]=10wx-144x5-102x4+134x3+87x2+10x Jred[3]=4w2-6wx3-2wx2+4w+6x4-3x3-6x2 Jred[4]=24zx3+25zx2+6zx Jred[5]=4zw-120zx3-77zx2+4z Jred[6]=z2-3wx2+w+3x3 Jred[7]=yx-zw-z Jred[8]=yw-zx Jred[9]=2yz-2wx+3x2 Jred[10]=y2+z2+x2-1 > vdim(groebner(Jred)); 10 > kbase(std(Jred)); _[1]=x4 _[2]=x3 _[3]=zx2 _[4]=x2 _[5]=zx _[6]=x _[7]=w _[8]=z _[9]=y _[10]=1 Note that Jred[1]=24x5+25x4-18x3-25x2-6x is the square-free part of Jx[1]=24x6+25x5-18x4-25x3-6x2. You can find the normal form of an element f in the ring R relative to the Groebner basis Jx with the command reduce > reduce(x^10 - y^2*z^3*w^7, Jx); -1256585057693/440301256704zx3-78536582645/73383542784zx2 -15468025/7962624x5+576911/1327104x4+15468025/7962624x3+750193/1327104x2 Note that coefficients may get out of hand... You could also use the command NF(f, Jx) (Normal form) to get the normal form of f relative to Jx. One the main advantages of Singular is that it also allows you to compute with local orders, i.e. in local rings. If we use the order ds for example, we are computing in the localization of the polynomial ring at the origin and this allows us to compute multiplicities of zeroes at the origin: > ring A = 0, (x,y), dp; > ideal I = x^10 + x^9*y^2, y^8 - x^2*y^7; > ideal J = groebner(I); > vdim(J); 83 > vdim(groebner(radical(J))); 4 This computations tell us that the equations x^10 + x^9*y^2 = 0 and y^8 - x^2*y^7 = 0 have 83 solutions but only 4 distinct ones. Since clearly the origin is a common solution we may compute the multiplicity by passing to the localization: > ring B = 0, (x,y), ds; > ideal I0 = imap(A,I); > ideal J0 = std(I0); > vdim(J0); 80 This means that the origin has multiplicity 80 and the other three roots are simple (multiplicity one). Of course, in this example one could see by inspection that we had a standard basis for the negative revlex. Note that for local orders the command for standard bases is std. You can also use std to obtain a Groebner bases when the order is global. You can also define mixed orders, for instance: > ring R = 0, (a,b,c,d,U,V,W), (Dp(4), Ds(3)); Then, Singular will use a globa term order in the first 4 variables and a local order in the last 3 variables. So, if I is an ideal here and J =std(I), reduce(g,J) = 0 iff there exists a non zero polynomial h(U,V,W) such that hg belongs to I. Other commands: Give two ideals I, J: quotient(I,J )= quotient ideal (I:J) intersect(I,J) = the ideal I intersection J saturate (I,J) = the ideal { f / f.g^m lies in I for all g in J and some m} radical(I) Ejercicios para hacer con singular: 1) Hacer el ejercicio 6) de la practica 1: sean f_1 = x^3-2y^2, f_2 = 3 x^6 +y^4. Es cierto que el polinomio f = x+y^2 se anula en V()? 2) Demostrar que el teorema de que las diagonales de un paralelogramo se cruzan en su punto medio vale genéricamente. Aquí H = < h_1,...,h_4> son las hipótesis y g_1, g_2 son las tesis. Cambiar las variables a u=U+1, v=V+1,w=W+1, y trabajar en el anillo > ring R = 0, (a,b,c,d,U,V,W), (Dp(4), Ds(3)); h_1 = b-w: h_2 = (a-u)w - bv); h_3 = ad-cw; h_4 = d(v-u) - (c-u)w; g_1 = a^2 - 2ac-2bd+b^2; g_2 = 2cu-2cv-2dw-u^2+v^2+w^2. 3) Sea I = < f_1, f_2 > como en el ejercicio 1. Calcular la multiplicidad de intersección en el origen. Calcular el número de ceros N en C^2 (contados con multiplicidad). Cuáles son los ceros del ideal? Sean F_1 (x,y,t) = x^3 - 2 t y^2, F_2 (x,y,t)= 3 x^6 +t^2y^4, los homogeneizados de f_1 y f_2 y llamemos h_i (x,t) = F_i (x, 1,t) (deshomogeneizamos poniendo y=1). Calcular el número de ceros M de h_1 y h_2 en C^2 (contados con multiplicidad). A qué es igual N+M?