Welcome to Julia's homepage

You are the visitant since July 18, 1998

About Julia

Grouse mountain

Full name: Ana Julia Villar
E-mail: jvillar@dm.uba.ar
Mail: C. C. 253 Suc. 13(B)
(1413) Capital Federal
Buenos Aires

I was a Ph. D. student of Statistics at Buenos Aires University (UBA) and I'm working at Department of Mathematics at the same university.
Click here if you want to know part of my work.

Ciudad Universitaria (Pab. II)

Some views from Argentina

Iguazú falls

Carlos Paz


Mar del Plata

Buenos Aires

Click here if you want to know more about my country.

Some of the sites I have visited

You should click here to know where I have been lately

And now....
...an organized tutti-frutti of sites

(Bs. As. zoo)

This homepage is not finished yet, so...
... all your suggestions to improve it
are welcome.

Please, send a

But don't waste your time
sending me "junk" mail,
as advs. or chain letters....
I put them into

The Arecibo Interstellar

Created: June 21, 1997 [my birthday ;-)]
Last modified: December 28, 2000 (Version 4.2)

Coming soon....
... Version 4.3

more photos

Guess which photos were taken by J ;-?

To the other J,
who is at the other side of the mirror